Unveiling the Journey’s End: Life Lessons from “A Gypsy’s Kiss”

If there is anything that I have learned in my young life, it is that things change. 

I think a lot about that on the train ride from El Paso to Lamy, a small station south of Santa Fe where all the trains stop before chugging along to someplace else. 

Things changed. 

No, not “things.” 


I’ve changed. 

I’m going back home. 

I’m giving up on the idea of independence, but perhaps more important than independence is personal responsibility. 

Making your own decisions, committing to those decisions and moving forward in life is all the freedom that truly exists. 

It’s all the freedom that any one of us really has.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 39


Welcome back to another insightful episode of “Our Story Your Story.” In this week’s podcast, authors/hosts Shelley Carney and Toby Younis unravel the final chapters (39-41) of “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure.” 

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

Join us as we delve into the themes of facing dread, embracing the unknown, and the powerful lessons learned from life’s unpredictable journey.

Facing Dread and Taking the First Step

Woman walks across water on stepping stones

Facing dread and summoning the courage to take the first step is a universal challenge that transcends the pages of books and spills into the days and events of our lives. 

It’s a sentiment we’ve all felt—standing at the edge of the unknown, feeling the weight of apprehension. 

It’s the initial step that is often the most daunting. 

It is not a long trip between the big station in Albuquerque and the small one at Lamy. As we near it, Mr. Kudrow sidles down the aisle, stopping at my seat asking, “Are you ready for this?” “I’m not sure.” Mr. Kudrow nods. “That feeling there, son, that ‘I’m not sure.’ Sometimes, that’s as good as it gets. But you’re young, you’re smart, and you’re strong. So you’ll do fine.”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 39

Confront your fears head-on, muster the strength to step into uncertainty, and watch as the journey unfolds. 

This lesson, rooted in personal experiences, strikes a chord with anyone who has hesitated on the precipice of change. 

It’s a call to action, a reminder that growth and discovery await those who bravely navigate the uncharted waters of their fears.

“There are moments when we imagine it’s going to be so much worse than it turns out to be. If we would just let life happen and not worry so much, we would probably enjoy everything a lot more. As soon as you make your decision and then follow through with it, everything gets easier.”

— Shelley Carney

Toby Younis opens the discussion with a personal reflection on overcoming fear and the significance of taking the first step in various life experiences. 

“Crossing the bridge of dread, the stepping stones across the water to get to the other side, having the courage to step across those stones has the benefit of proving to yourself that you have the courage to do it, and the ability to accomplish whatever it is. But you can’t do any of that if you don’t take the step to the first rock in the river.”

— Toby Younis

The first step of confronting our fears head-on is the hardest. Once you get started, it becomes easier. 

Embracing the Unknown

A man looks past the trees

The train begins slowing down a half mile before the Lamy station. I feel tension rising and my heartbeat speeds up in anticipation. All the possible bad things that might happen rush like a river through my mind. The train comes to a complete stop at the platform. I take a deep breath and stand up, collect my things and walk resolutely to the door to face up to the choices I have made.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 39

Stepping into the unknown is a daring venture, but doing it as a united force, with the support of those we cherish, unveils a profound strength that lies in unity. 

Shelley Carney and Toby Younis share their journey of relocating to South Carolina in the latest podcast episode, emphasizing the significance of companionship and support. 

“We want to move to South Carolina. We know that we need to sell our houses, and then we’ll figure out the rest along the way. We’ve never had a house built for us before. This is all new, but we have so many supportive people who are helping us through it. That answers the ‘how’ for a lot of things. You know, I want to do this thing, but I don’t know how to do it. Doesn’t matter. Make the decision. Take the first step. The next step will become clear if it’s the right direction for you.”

— Shelley Carney

Their story underscores the idea that tackling the unknown becomes more manageable and empowering when shared with others. 

“What’s the worst that could happen? The worst is that ‌our houses don’t sell. What’s the best that can happen? The best that can happen is we sell our houses. We have enough money not only to cover the down payment but to make an investment in furniture and other things that we want to do with the house. We make the move and by next Thanksgiving, we’re in a home where we can host friends and family.”

— Toby Younis

In the tapestry of life, weaving threads of togetherness not only provides comfort but also fortifies our collective resilience. 

The lesson is clear: embracing the uncertainties becomes an enriching experience when met with a united front. 

The strength derived from unity becomes a beacon, guiding us through uncharted territories with confidence and resilience.

Responsibility and Repayment

Guy sitting on a motorcycle at side of the road

The theme of responsibility and repayment, dissected by Shelley Carney and Toby Younis in their latest podcast episode, resonates deeply in our lives and personal development. 

I don’t know what happened to my Uncle Carlos’ motorcycle and I promised him a summer’s worth of work on the ranch. With the loss of the motorcycle, I might owe him the rest of my life in servitude.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 39

They delve into the idea that taking responsibility for our actions is not merely a duty, but a transformative force, shaping our character and influencing the trajectory of our personal growth. 

“It would have been worthwhile to have spent that time in servitude with him because it would have made me a stronger, healthier, and better person. I thought I had lost the bike and that I would have to face the music associated with losing the bike. When I saw that bike, there was a little party in my heart.”

— Toby Younis

Fulfilling obligations and repaying debts, whether tangible or emotional, isn’t just about meeting external expectations; it’s a profound commitment to our self-betterment. 

Taking responsibility for our actions is essential for personal growth and fulfillment.

In navigating this terrain, we encounter challenges that demand accountability, and in overcoming them, we forge the building blocks of our maturity. 

The weight of responsibility, rather than burdening us, becomes the crucible in which our resilience and integrity are tested, ultimately leading to a more robust sense of self and a deeper understanding of our place in the world.

The Journey’s End is Just the Beginning

A path through the woods

Reflecting on the profound truth that the end of one journey marks the beginning of another, the hosts poignantly capture the essence of life’s continuous evolution in the latest podcast episode. 

This concept serves as a timeless reminder that closure, far from being an endpoint, is a threshold for new beginnings. 

A thousand things run through my head, all in a matter of moments, and I realize my adventure has not ended. It has just begun.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 40

Each culmination becomes a pivot point, a juncture where experiences coalesce into wisdom, and the curtain rises on unexplored chapters. 

The journey’s end, rather than signaling a conclusion, becomes a prelude to fresh narratives waiting to unfold. 

“I’ve had a lot of experiences in life. What was unique about that particular experience is it set the tone for the rest of my life. It was a confidence builder; it was a learning experience. It made me wiser, and it made it easier to take that first step. The major events in your life: getting married, having children, buying a house, and taking a new job. All of those things start with the first step.”

— Toby Younis

This cyclical nature of life propels us forward, beckoning us to embrace the unknown with anticipation and resilience, understanding that every ending is a gateway to a new and uncharted beginning.

Finding Strength in Difficulty

Man comforts a woman sitting on bench at cemetery

In exploring the universal theme of coping with loss and discovering strength amid challenges, the latest podcast episode resonates with the experiences of many. 

Whether faced with personal grief, setbacks, or unexpected hurdles, individuals often find themselves navigating the complexities of hardship. 

This shared journey underscores the collective resilience ingrained in the human spirit. 

I’m going back to where I started. But not as the same boy I was a week ago who was dissatisfied with the life he was told how to live. I’m going back as a man who has chosen his place in this world.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 41

It speaks to the innate ability of individuals to draw upon inner strength during moments of difficulty, reminding us that adversity, while challenging, carries within it the potential for personal growth and empowerment. 

“It’s been 6 months since Kevin passed, and you asked me, how do you feel? You know, I feel okay because I took it one day at a time, one step at a time. Still, there are times when it is hard. But I know that I have people in my life who show up when I need them.”

— Shelley Carney

“I’ve watched your growth over the years. From the first time I met you, you’re always on a growing path. You’re a different person, in a very good way, than the person that I met 12 years ago. Especially in the past 6 months. Actually, it started before Kevin passed away, having to deal with his illness and knowing exactly how that illness was going to end. You became stronger in another way. Then when it happened, I thought, this is going to be a demarcation point. This is either going to scrunch you up into a little tiny rubber ball or you’re going to accept the fact that you have to change and grow yet again. And as usual, you have. You’re a different and better person than you were 6 months ago.”

— Toby Younis

Strength is often found in the most unexpected places during the most challenging times, revealing the resilience inherent in the human spirit.

The Hero’s Journey

Kayakers on a lake

Delving into the podcast’s discussion on the symbolic significance of the hero’s journey, Shelley Carney and Toby Younis illuminate a timeless narrative archetype that echoes through literature and life alike. 

The hero’s journey, as a powerful metaphor, transcends cultural boundaries and speaks to the universal human experience. 

It symbolizes the transformative process of facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and achieving personal growth. 

In our own lives, we often find echoes of this hero’s journey—confronting trials, experiencing setbacks, and emerging stronger and wiser. 

This storytelling archetype reflects the inherent human quest for self-discovery and resilience, resonating with individuals at various stages of their journeys. 

I stride toward them a few steps and, like a gladiator who’s just fought his greatest fight, I raise my arms up high over my head and shout out with great confidence, drama and poise, the last stanza of William Cullen Bryant’s “Thanatopsis.” “So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan, which moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night, Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave, Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 41

Our personal journeys often mirror the classic hero’s journey, filled with challenges and opportunities for growth.

“No matter how long you live, death comes. What you have at the point that you ‘wrap the draperies of your couch about you and lie down to pleasant dreams’ is those dreams are the visions of whatever you accomplished in your life. Hopefully, you’ve accomplished enough so that you can lie down and have pleasant dreams instead of regrets.”

— Toby Younis

As we navigate our paths, recognizing the symbolic significance of the hero’s journey allows us to find meaning in our challenges and view them as integral chapters in our ongoing narratives.

Summarizing Themes and Taking Action

Woman with clipboard

In the final chapters of “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure,” Shelley Carney and Toby Younis explore profound themes that resonate with the intricacies of life’s journey. 

The podcast episode delves into the significance of facing dread, embracing the unknown with unity, understanding the responsibilities we bear, and finding strength in difficult circumstances. 

As we bid farewell to this captivating tale, let’s reflect on these themes and take proactive steps to infuse their wisdom into our own narratives.

Embrace the Unknown Together

A couple embraces on the beach

Actively seek opportunities to step into uncharted territories, whether personally or professionally, and do so with the support of loved ones. 

Share your fears and aspirations with those around you, fostering a sense of unity that amplifies your collective strength.

Take Responsibility and Fulfill Commitments

Group handshake

Identify areas in your life where you can take on more responsibility, honoring commitments with dedication. 

Recognize that personal growth often stems from fulfilling obligations, and the journey toward self-improvement begins with a sense of accountability.

Find Strength in Adversity

A guy camping in the woods

During challenging moments, consciously look for the silver lining. 

Acknowledge the strength within you that surfaces during difficulties. 

Reflect on your experiences, recognizing how resilience has been a constant companion on your own hero’s journey.


As “Our Story Your Story” goes on hiatus for the holidays and Shelley and Toby embark on a new adventure in moving to South Carolina, we encourage you to stay connected.

Subscribe to our newsletter at news.agkmedia.studio to receive updates on our unfolding journey and be the first to know when the podcast resumes. 

For those who haven’t yet discovered the treasure in “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” grab your copy on Amazon and join us in exploring the depths of this captivating tale. 

Until we meet again, may your own story continue to unfold with wisdom, resilience, and a sense of unity.

Embracing Choices, Responsibility, and Family: Exploring “A Gypsy’s Kiss” Chapters 37 and 38

I had a lot of difficulty with my sister as she got progressively older because she became addicted to a lot of different things. 

It used to make me sad, but I couldn’t break through that. 

I was telling my daughter how frustrating it was for me to try to engage with my sister, and my daughter said‌ something so simple in its brilliance that I’ll never forget it. 

She said, “Dad, she lost her father too,” at the same time that I did, and she was younger, as were my brothers. 

I was 11. 

They were five, eight, and nine. 

She had the same experience, and she had the same mother. 

I had the good fortune to be sent off to a boarding school guided by Christian Brothers and then college. 

Although she went to college, my brothers never even finished high school. 

They got progressively worse. 

My youngest brother died in his early thirties. 

My next brother spent half his life in prison before he just disappeared off the face of the planet. 

I had to consider myself fortunate in the choices that I made. 

The question that kind of gnaws at me today is, could I have done more? 

Could I have spent more time with them? 

Could I have acted more like a father rather than a big brother? 

We’ll never know the answer to that because I have outlived my entire family.

— Toby Younis

In the latest chapters of the gripping adventure, “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure,” protagonist Miguel finds himself at a crossroads. 

Chapters 37 and 38 unravel a poignant narrative where Miguel grapples with choices, freedom, and the responsibilities that come with family.

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

To delve deeper into the themes woven into these chapters, join the dynamic duo, Shelley Carney and Toby Younis, hosts of the thought-provoking video podcast, “Our Story Your Story.” 

These hosts/authors guide audiences through engaging discussions that resonate with personal experiences.

Freedom and Responsibility: Making Choices Matter

A girl lies down in the middle of a seesaw at a playground

Navigating the delicate balance between the desires for independence and the obligations we carry is a universal challenge that transcends age and experience. 

Picture it as a seesaw, where the desire for freedom lifts us into the air, but the weight of responsibility grounds us. 

This equilibrium helps us shape our choices, influencing decisions big and small. 

Too much freedom without a sense of responsibility can lead to chaos, while an excess of responsibility might stifle our sense of liberty. 

Striking the right balance involves thoughtful consideration, self-reflection, and an awareness of the impact our choices can have on ourselves and those around us. 

It’s a dynamic interplay that we all grapple with on life’s journey.

Miguel’s choices reflect universal struggles.

I make a list of pros and cons for my current situation. The first choice: step off the train and find my own way in life. Alternatively, stay on the train and live the life that others have planned for, or expect of me.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 37

The hosts dissect the significance of actively making choices and the impact they can have on our narratives.

“Freedom is how you define your willingness to experience freedom in the context of what you’ve chosen to be your responsibilities.”

— Toby Younis

“I may not have a choice about every single thing that’s happening, but I get to choose how I respond.”

— Shelley Carney

Understanding Family Dynamics: A Lens into Decision-Making

Woman looks through magnifying glass

Family dynamics and responsibilities form the intricate framework that shapes the decisions we make on our life’s journey. 

Within the family unit, each member carries a unique role and set of expectations, creating a dynamic interplay of relationships. 

These dynamics influence our choices by instilling a sense of duty, loyalty, and interconnectedness. 

Whether it’s the responsibilities tied to caregiving, providing support, or maintaining familial bonds, these factors become guiding forces in the decisions we undertake.

We unfold the layers of familial influence on Miguel’s choices, shedding light on the challenges parents face and the importance of empathetically understanding their perspectives.

I picture my mother asking for help from my aunts and uncles and the Christian Brothers because of how hard it is for her to raise her children alone. If I don’t go home, it won’t lighten her load, it will only add to it. What will happen to my family if I don’t become the man my mother wants me to be? Who will I become if I choose a selfish path?

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 38

The values and traditions passed down within the family contribute to our moral compass, influencing the paths we choose to follow. 

“Had my mom not had those strokes, had she been in good health, I might not be moving to South Carolina. I might be moving to Arizona to be with her. But now, because of the strokes, there’s nothing I can do to make her life better.”

— Shelley Carney

Understanding these dynamics allows us to navigate the complexities of decision-making with empathy and a deeper appreciation for the impact our choices can have on the family unit.

“When Kevin was dealing with cancer, I could not be responsible for his journey and what choices he was making. Each of us is on our own journey. You can’t be responsible for somebody else’s journey. I need to focus on my own journey. What do I want? What’s next for me? You have to let go of other people’s journeys.”

— Shelley Carney

Reflecting on Personal Experiences: Life’s Lessons Explored

A family chooses a fir tree to take home

The transformative power of choices is a force that molds our individual narratives and fosters personal growth. 

Each decision, whether significant or seemingly inconsequential, propels us along a unique trajectory of self-discovery. 

It is through the act of making choices, facing challenges, and learning from experiences that we cultivate resilience and evolve as individuals. 

I wonder what it must seem like to them every time their father gets on a train and disappears for days, weeks, or months and how hard that must be on them, and on Dorothy as well. 

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 38

Comprehending others’ perspectives serves as a bridge to empathy, allowing us to navigate the complexities of relationships and understand the motivations behind the choices of those around us. 

“We all have to make our own choices. That is our freedom. That is not only our freedom, but it’s our responsibility. We can’t just pawn that off on somebody else and say, ‘I don’t know. You decide. Because if it doesn’t turn out, then it’s your fault.’ Because not making a decision is also a decision.”

— Shelley Carney

In this dance of understanding, we not only enrich our own lives with diverse viewpoints but also contribute to a more compassionate and interconnected world. 

“What I was doing was creating a good example, so at least maybe their kids could see and go that route instead. My nephew, Santos, had that moment where he said, this is not what I want with the rest of my life.”

— Toby Younis

Ultimately, the transformative journey sparked by our choices extends beyond personal growth, creating ripples that influence the collective fabric of our shared human experience.

The Symbolism of the Fountain Pen: Writing Life’s Narrative

A hand holding a fountain pen over a notebook

The act of returning the pen to Mr. Kudrow in “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure” becomes a powerful symbol of acceptance, resonating with the broader theme of embracing life’s crucial choices. 

I jog back toward the train and up the three steps where Mr. Kudrow stands, greeting each of the passengers as they board. I take the pen he had loaned me out of my pocket and hand it to him, saying, “I wanted to make sure I got this back to you. It’s a fine pen. Thank you for the loan.”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 38

In handing back the cherished fountain pen, the protagonist, Miguel, signifies a willingness to accept the responsibilities and decisions that come with it. 

The pen, a tool for expression and introspection, takes on a deeper meaning as he returns it to its rightful owner. 

“The fountain pen represented, when you return it, you’re being responsible and mature. If you would’ve kept it, it would’ve been childish and irresponsible.”

— Shelley Carney

This gesture marks a pivotal moment in Miguel’s journey, symbolizing closure on one chapter and readiness to script the next. 

“The pen was Mr. Kudrow’s to begin with. It wasn’t acquired as part of the process. But, he could step up back onto that train and tell himself, ‘I had to bring this pen back. It would have been wrong for me to leave without returning it.’”

— Toby Younis

It encapsulates the idea that acceptance is not passive surrender, but an active acknowledgment of the choices we make and a commitment to move forward, equipped with the wisdom gained from our experiences.

Fostering Meaningful Connections: Shared Experiences, Shared Wisdom

Two women talking together

Sharing experiences and advice without resorting to blame or shame is a profound act that fosters understanding and connection among individuals. 

It entails creating a space where openness and vulnerability can thrive, allowing people to share their stories without fear of judgment. 

She tells me that when she was my age; she had goals, too, some of them very similar to mine. But her father convinced her that it was better to get an education because it would provide more options in life. It was a good choice for a number of reasons, including having met her husband, whom she loves, and who she knows loves her.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 38

In such an environment, experiences become lessons, and advice becomes a collaborative exchange rather than a critique. 

“I have all those years of knowledge, having seen Alicia from the time she was a baby until she’s now a full-grown adult. I can say to Ryan, ‘Here’s what happened with Alicia. This is what I learned from that. Hopefully, that information can help you make better decisions.”

— Shelley Carney

This approach not only builds a supportive community but also encourages personal and collective growth. 

By steering away from blame or shame, we promote empathy, recognizing that each person’s journey is unique, and there is value in the diverse perspectives that contribute to the rich tapestry of human experiences. 

“I like the way they’re raising them and giving them a variety of interests. That’s why I’ve made it a point every time I see one of them I take something with me that’s an interest of mine. I’ve taken microscopes. The last time I took a gimbal that I wasn’t using anymore.”

— Toby Younis

It is through this compassionate sharing that we not only uplift each other but also contribute to a culture of understanding and acceptance.

Key Themes and Action Steps

Let’s summarize the key themes in this episode by offering three actionable steps to implement in the coming week. 

Reflect on Personal Choices

A woman sits on a swing looking at the sunset

Take some dedicated time this week to reflect on recent choices you’ve made, both big and small. 

Consider the motivations behind these decisions and the impact they’ve had on your life and those around you. 

Embrace the transformative power of self-reflection as you contemplate the paths you’ve chosen and the lessons they’ve brought.

Engage in Empathetic Conversations

Two women share a salad in a kitchen

Foster meaningful connections by engaging in empathetic conversations with friends, family, or colleagues. 

Create a space where experiences can be shared without judgment, blame, or shame. 

Actively listen to others’ perspectives, seeking to understand their choices and the underlying emotions. 

This practice not only strengthens relationships but also contributes to a culture of mutual respect and understanding.

Express Gratitude for Family Bonds

People holding hands at dinner table

Take a moment to express gratitude for the role family dynamics play in your life. 

Whether through a heartfelt conversation, a note, or a small gesture, acknowledge the responsibilities and bonds that shape your decisions. 

Understand the challenges your family members may face and express appreciation for the shared journey. 

Recognize that the intricate tapestry of family life adds depth and richness to your own narrative.

Embark on these action steps with an open heart and a commitment to personal and relational growth. 

By embracing the themes discussed in this episode, you can navigate the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility while fostering connections that elevate both your individual journey and the collective human experience.

Don’t miss out on the enlightening discussions on personal journeys, choices, and family. Tune in to “Our Story Your Story” for more captivating episodes. 

The next episode will be the final one as we conclude the story of Miguel’s journey in “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure.” 

Embrace the exploration of life’s complexities and join the conversation today!

Journey to Redemption: Exploring the Hero’s Journey and Personal Growth on a Train

We have an interesting coincidence today.

November 22nd, the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy in Dallas. 

It was Jim Garrison who made his fame after this for having prosecuted several people that he believed were part of the big conspiracy in the assassination.

It eventually ended up in a book. Then in a movie called JFK. 

That’s the same Jim Garrison.

So, you met him when you were just a 15-year-old kid.

On the Trail of the Assassins: One Man’s Quest to Solve the Murder of President Kennedy by Jim Garrison. On March 1, 1967, New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison shocked the world by arresting local businessman Clay Shaw for conspiracy to murder the president. His alleged co-conspirator, David Ferrie, had been found dead a few days before. Garrison charged that elements of the United States government, in particular the CIA, were behind the crime. From the beginning, his probe was virulently attacked in the media and violently denounced from Washington. His office was infiltrated and sabotaged, and witnesses disappeared and died strangely.

Welcome, readers, to another exciting episode of “Our Story Your Story,” the podcast where hosts Shelley Carney and Toby Younis unravel the layers of captivating tales. 

In this episode, the spotlight is on chapters 35 and 36 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure,” a journey of redemption and personal growth that unfolds on the rhythmic tracks of a train.

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

The Hero’s Journey and Personal Growth

Woman leans out the window of a train to see the view

Life is a series of experiences that shape and mold us into the individuals we become. 

“A hero’s journey is ultimately a teaching tool. We can learn along with the character because the character goes through a change, usually upleveling in his life. He’s grateful to the people he met along the way, the mentors, the people who helped him, the people who taught him lessons about life, about himself, and his relationships with other people.”

— Shelley Carney

The hero’s journey, a concept explored by Joseph Campbell in “The Hero with a Thousand Faces,” Christopher Vogler in “The Writer’s Journey,” and Syd Field in “The Foundations of Screenwriting,” serves as a guiding light in understanding our own journeys. 

“The archetypes are individuals you meet along the journey, and they include the hero, a mentor, as Mr. Kudrow was, and the threshold guardian as Jim Garrison was. All of those characters appear in this book in various forms, and they do in any story that makes up the hero’s journey. Because the hero is never in a vacuum. He’s got to have people around him to make the story interesting.”

— Toby Younis

It’s not just a narrative tool, but a roadmap for personal growth, helping us navigate challenges and emerge stronger.

The Train Journey as a Metaphor

Young man takes a photograph of a train as it goes by

Imagine the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks, the scenic landscapes passing by, and the promise of a destination. 

The train journey in chapters 35 and 36 becomes a metaphor for the journey of self-discovery we all undertake. 

Frequently, I consider the whereabouts of the BSA, what happened to the cash tucked away in the secret compartment above the oil tank, and what Uncle Carlos will say and do when I show up without her. I also wonder if I’ll be kicked out of St. Michael’s for running off. When I left, I hadn’t thought about what might happen if I came back. I was all set to keep on riding.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 36

Through encounters, reflections, and anticipation, the train becomes a vessel carrying not just the protagonist, Miguel, but also the lessons and revelations that shape his character.

“This is finishing up the hero’s journey. He had this calling. The calling was Mardi Gras. Then you got there, you had your fun, met people, and you did your thing. Now it’s time to go home and pay the piper.”

— Shelley Carney

As readers, we can draw parallels with our own experiences on trains or other modes of public transportation. 

We can visualize the conversations with fellow passengers, the quiet moments of reflection, and the anticipation of what lies ahead. 

“You could travel from one end of the train to the other and experience a certain amount of social interaction. It was really up to me because people saw me as a child. The women on the train were especially social. They would work to start the conversation and try to make me comfortable, so I didn’t feel alone. By the second morning, I was sitting with someone at the breakfast table.”

— Toby Younis

These shared experiences echo the universal nature of personal growth and self-discovery.

Language Learning and Communication

Two people sit together outdoors, one writing and one with a camera

Travel, like the train journey in Miguel’s adventure, often involves navigating language differences. 

In the podcast episode, we touch upon the struggles and challenges of language learning, emphasizing the importance of communication in personal growth. 

“Once the girls started in college, they started traveling during the summers. They’d go off to these summer courses. They’d go and then say, ‘Dad, I don’t speak Spanish,’ or ‘I don’t speak French.’ I used to tell them there’s only one phrase you need to learn in that language. The phrase is that language’s equivalent of, ‘I’m sorry. I don’t speak that language. Do you have anyone who speaks English?’ What you’re going to discover is that in all the places you go, for the most part, they all speak English.”

— Toby Younis

As Miguel engages with diverse characters on the train, we’re reminded of the enriching experiences that language and travel bring, transcending barriers and fostering personal development.

I shake his hand and thank him. I tell him how much I appreciate his advice. He responds, “Oh, we’re not done yet. You and I are going to be good friends by the time this trip of yours is over.”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 36

Threads of Redemption and Regret

Close up of weaving

Life, much like a riveting novel, unfolds with twists and turns that shape our journey in unexpected ways. 

The concept of reflection beckons us to pause and ponder the significance of each twist, recognizing that nothing happens by chance. 

Every setback, triumph, and detour is a deliberate stroke on the canvas of our existence, carrying profound lessons waiting to be unraveled. 

“Life is a big, beautiful tapestry. Our threads are woven through and some threads bump up against other threads, and then they go off in another direction. That would be the night that you spent with these people. Others are intertwined or woven together. That would be your family members. They’re always going to be part of your life.”

— Shelley Carney

Reflection is the art of peering into the intricate details of our experiences, extracting wisdom from both the highs and lows. 

It teaches us that even in the face of adversity, there lies an opportunity for growth and learning. 

After undergoing a transformative experience, our reflections often become poignant crossroads where the paths of redemption and regret intersect. 

“There’s a lot going on with this trip back on the train. It is a transition moment to coalesce all the things that Miguel learned. I think all of us do that when we’ve had an experience that’s changed us. We need some time to think through ‘How does that affect me? How can that inform my relationships with the people in my life?’”

— Shelley Carney

These moments of introspection serve as a mirror, reflecting the choices we made during the journey of transformation. 

In the glow of accomplishment, we may find redemption, a sense of renewal, and a profound understanding of our resilience. 

On the flip side, the shadows of regret may cast themselves over decisions that led to missed opportunities or unforeseen consequences. 

“Everyone has regrets. You just don’t allow the regrets to dominate the remainder of your life because then you never move on from that regret. You’re stuck in it. Are there times that I wish things had turned out differently in life? Absolutely. Are there times when I wish I had been a better man in whatever situation it was? Absolutely. But if you focus on that as the center of the rest of your life, you’re never going to move on.”

— Toby Younis

It is within the crucible of reflection that we confront our actions, accepting the lessons they bring and, in doing so, finding the keys to unlock the doors of redemption while navigating the corridors of regret.

Redemption and regret are woven into the fabric of Miguel’s story. 

I think about my mother and if, like Lysette, she is worried and praying for my safe return. But then I think, no, she never worried when I went out on my own before, so why would she start now?

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 36

As Miguel contemplates his past choices and their impact, readers are prompted to reflect on their own journeys, recognizing that growth often emerges from the crucible of both triumph and regret.

Your Journey, Your Story

Two people sit on grass looking at laptop and one makes notes

In wrapping up this literary exploration, we invite you to reflect on your own journeys. 

How does the hero’s journey manifest in your life? 

What trains have you boarded, both metaphorically and literally? 

When we read through the rich narratives of “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” we’re reminded that every story, every journey, is an opportunity for personal growth and redemption.

As you go about your week, consider three action steps inspired by the themes discussed:


Person looks through journal while drinking tea

Take a moment to reflect on your own hero’s journey. What challenges have you faced, and how have they contributed to your growth?

Try documenting your thoughts, emotions, and observations to provide a tangible record of your journey, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of your personal narrative. 

Consider integrating mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or mindfulness exercises. These techniques encourage a focused awareness of the present moment, fostering clarity in your reflections. 

Embrace the reflective process as an ongoing practice, allowing for a continuous evolution of self-awareness and personal development.


Group meeting in office with laptops

Share your stories with others. Connect with fellow travelers on the journey of life and embrace the diversity of experiences.

Actively seek new connections that align with your aspirations and values. 

Attend networking events, join clubs, or take part in community activities where you can meet people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. 

Engage in mentorship opportunities, both as a mentor and a mentee, fostering relationships that offer guidance and support. 

Embrace the power of collaboration and shared experiences, recognizing that the collective wisdom of a community can amplify personal growth in profound ways.


Group of women teaching others

Learning is a continuous and enriching process that propels personal growth. 

Pick up one of the recommended books on the hero’s journey and delve into its insights. Apply its principles to your own narrative.

Explore podcasts, documentaries, and online courses that align with your interests and challenge your perspectives. 

Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences to engage with experts and enthusiasts in your field of curiosity. 

Embrace a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and evolve, ensuring a continuous and fulfilling educational journey.

Thanksgiving Magic

Happy Thanksgiving card

We’re immensely grateful for you. 

Share your thoughts and stories with us, and let’s continue this enriching conversation on personal growth, redemption, and the transformative power of storytelling. 

Exploring Choices, Change, and Compassion in “A Gypsy’s Kiss”: Our Story Your Story Podcast Unveils Chapters 33 and 34

When you first started this, you were happy-go-lucky and stumbling into situations. 

It reminds me of the first card in the tarot: the fool.

You can just see him jogging along with his dog and skipping along his merry way, and everything turns out well for him. 

I think the universe is watching out for us. 

We always hear that things don’t happen to you. They happen for you. 

Everything that was going to happen to you would be for your growth and moved you further along in life.

You just have to be willing to accept that offer of growth.

The tarot card, the fool, is always about opportunity and the importance of being able to recognize that opportunity.

Welcome back to another riveting episode of “Our Story Your Story,” the podcast where hosts Shelley Carney and Toby Younis unravel the layers of their treasure hunt adventure novel, “A Gypsy’s Kiss.” 

Through personal experiences and in-depth discussions of chapters 33 and 34 from their book “A Gypsy’s Kiss, a Treasure Hunt Adventure,” Shelley and Toby expertly reflect on different lifestyles and the significance of compassion and empathy.

They explore the contrasting lives of Miguel and Mariah, shedding light on the disparities, choices, and opportunities they each face. 

As they elaborate on these differences, Shelley and Toby encourage listeners to reflect on their own lives and develop a sense of empathy towards those who may be less fortunate or facing hardship.

Tune in to “Our Story, Your Story” to join Shelley Carney and Toby Younis on their captivating journey of self-reflection and understanding. 

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

Helping others and finding gratitude in our own lives can lead us to a happier and more fulfilling journey.

Contrasting Lifestyles and the Importance of Compassion and Empathy

Volunteers hand out food and water

In our complex journey through life, the differences in our situations, the decisions we make, and the chances we get all work together to shape who we are. 

These factors act like the building blocks of our personal and shared stories. 

Differences, like where we come from or what resources we have, affect the difficulties and opportunities we face. 

The choices we decide on, big or small, not only shape our own paths but also influence the communities we’re part of. 

It’s crucial to notice these differences and understand the impact of our decisions because it helps us see the various challenges people go through. 

Comparing Mariah’s situation with my own makes me feel a little ashamed. Before I left St. Michael’s to begin this adventure, I thought I was being told where and how to live by my mother and the Christian Brothers. I resented it. But when I look at Mariah’s life, my own is pretty great.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 34

This understanding leads to empathy, kindness, and a shared commitment to addressing unfairness. 

How must Mariah feel being told not only where and how to live, but that she and her grandfather are always in mortal danger if they step outside those expectations? I’ve got to find some way to help her.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 34

By recognizing the intricacies of our lives, we empower ourselves to make thoughtful decisions that contribute to a more fair and caring world.

As Shelley and Toby dissect Miguel and Mariah’s contrasting lifestyles, we are reminded of the disparities, choices, and opportunities that shape our existence. 

The hosts delve into the profound impact of empathy, emphasizing how helping others can shift our focus from personal problems to a broader sense of compassion. 

“When you help other people, you take your eyes off your own problems and everything seems better.”

— Shelley Carney

It’s a lesson in understanding, compassion, and the interconnectedness of human experiences.

Lessons in Empathy and Responsibility

Two people play with small children

Empathy goes beyond just understanding how someone feels; it’s the powerful ability to truly share and feel those emotions as if they were our own. 

It acts like a bridge, connecting us to others on a deeper level by allowing us to really get what they’re going through. 

Empathy isn’t just about feeling sorry for someone; it’s about stepping into their shoes and fully understanding the impact of their experiences, whether they’re happy moments or tough challenges. 

The strength of empathy lies in its ability to create real connections, build understanding, and encourage a compassionate response to the diverse stories that shape human life. 

It’s a game-changer that not only enhances our relationships but also sparks positive changes, inspiring acts of kindness, support, and a shared sense of humanity. 

“I befriended people who were different because nobody else would, and I didn’t like the bullying. What I discovered and appreciated in myself was that I could show empathy for others.”

— Toby Younis

In a world filled with differences, empathy serves as a unifying force, reminding us of our shared emotions and the responsibility we all carry in making a more understanding and cooperative society.

The hosts discuss how caring for others in need can elevate self-esteem and instill a deep sense of purpose. 

“Taking care of someone who needs you helps raise your self esteem. Because you have to be responsible for a pet or a child, it makes you be more responsible for your own health, your living situation, your career, or whatever you need to do in order to take care of that one who is depending on you.”

— Shelley Carney

Gratitude, Motivation, and Finding Happiness in Your Own Journey

Young man holds sign reading Thank You for your Love and Support

Discovering gratitude, motivation, and happiness in life is like unlocking a secret to a fulfilling existence. 

Gratitude involves recognizing and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives, no matter how small. It’s about acknowledging the good things around us, fostering a positive outlook, and creating a mindset that values what we have. 

Motivation‌ is the driving force that propels us toward our goals. It stems from a clear sense of purpose and a desire to achieve something meaningful. 

When we cultivate gratitude and motivation, we pave the way for finding happiness. 

Gratitude teaches us to focus on the positive aspects of life, which‌ motivates us to pursue our aspirations. 

By appreciating our current circumstances and staying motivated to reach our goals, we create a cycle that leads to a more content and joyful life. 

These interconnected emotions not only uplift our spirits, but also serve as a compass, guiding us toward a fulfilling and purpose-driven journey.

Shelley and Toby share personal anecdotes about their motivations, emphasizing the importance of staying healthy to witness the joys of grandchildren growing up. 

“One of the reasons we’re moving to South Carolina is because of the grandbabies. You look at them as they’re running around in their little Avatar outfits. You’re thinking to yourself, I just want to live as long as I can to see how far this gets.”

— Toby Younis

The hosts discuss how the problems of others can serve as a poignant reminder to be grateful for the blessings in our lives. 

“When you hear what other people are going through, you’re like, I can handle my own problems, but I can’t deal with yours. Each of us gets the problem or the challenge that we need in order to evolve and become a better person. We learn the lesson that we need to learn. Our problems are customized just for us.”

— Shelley Carney

Uncover the secrets to finding happiness in your individual journey and the power of gratitude in shaping a positive mindset.

Stories of Transformation, Reflection, and Moving Forward

A woman laying down among books reading

Experiencing a transformation requires a combination of self-awareness, resilience, and a willingness to embrace change. 

It involves a profound shift in our perspectives, beliefs, or behaviors, often sparked by life experiences, challenges, or moments of self-discovery. 

“There’s just a whole lot going on in one night. It’s kinda funny, if you think about some of these movies that are transformational like that, and it all happens in one night, you’re like, ‘Not everything can happen in one night!’ But, obviously, it does.”

— Shelley Carney

Reflection plays a crucial role in this process, encouraging us to examine our past, understand our present, and envision our desired future. 

I lay down on the bunk, resting my head in my hands and begin thinking about Mariah and what had happened to her. I think about the trip, the people I met and riding the BSA. My thoughts are not quite as mixed up as a dream would be, but I feel like I’m dreaming with my eyes open.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 33

By reflecting on our experiences and considering how they shape our identity, values, and goals, we gain insight into the areas where we can grow and evolve. 

This introspection becomes a catalyst for personal development. 

Moving forward involves applying the lessons learned from our reflections to set new goals and navigate the path ahead. 

It requires a commitment to continuous learning, adaptability, and the courage to step into uncharted territory. 

Transformation, reflection, and moving forward are interconnected elements of a dynamic journey toward personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of our aspirations.

“The person who ended that night is completely different from the person who started that night. Things can affect you in different ways. One way is that it makes you even more negative towards your life situation. Another way is that you’re just grateful to have survived it. My way is, wow, that was amazing. I wonder what happens next in life?”

— Toby Younis

Reflecting on Miguel’s transformative journey from innocence to experience, the hosts delve into Miguel’s desire to aid Mariah and her grandfather. 

“I think Jean Luc was coming for me. Mariah’s grandfather stopped him.” Telling this story stings me with the fear that up until now, I hadn’t allowed myself to fully feel. That emotion is quickly followed by concern. “By the way, is Mariah’s grandfather alright?”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 33

Through these narratives, we explore the significance of empathy and compassion in fostering meaningful connections and driving positive change.

On a Personal Note: Moving, Change, and Diversions

A couple looks at a checklist while packing boxes inside a house

The motivation to make significant life changes often stems from a desire for personal growth, improved well-being, or the pursuit of long-term goals. 

It arises when individuals recognize a misalignment between their current circumstances and their aspirations. 

However, despite these motivations, the fear of the unknown and the comfort of the familiar can act as significant obstacles. 

Change, especially when it involves moving to new places or altering established routines, can be daunting. 

Yet, the allure of a better life, the prospect of fresh opportunities, and the belief in one’s ability to adapt draw us toward embracing change. 

The intrinsic human drive for improvement and the promise of a more fulfilling future serve as powerful forces that ultimately inspire individuals to navigate the challenges of change and pursue a path that aligns more closely with their dreams and aspirations.

Shelley and Toby share their plans to move to South Carolina and the excitement that comes with making new choices. 

“I think it’s going to provide some interesting diversions for us, things that we hadn’t even thought about, that this move is gonna result in. I brought back a book entitled Paddling South Carolina. We’re excited about it.”

— Toby Younis

They discuss the exhilarating diversions and lifestyle changes that await them, providing a glimpse into their preparations for an open house. 

“I’m having an open house this weekend, and we’ve dropped the price a little, so it’s getting pretty exciting. Hope to sell it this weekend! The angel number 444 is telling me and whoever purchases the house that it’s a new, exciting foundation for your family, and your life, and your dreams are coming true.”

— Shelley Carney

Watch upcoming episodes as we navigate through the challenges and joys of moving, embracing change, and adapting to a new way of life.

Embracing Change and Elevating Lives

A group of people stand together with arms around each other in front of a large chalkboard

As we conclude our exploration of justice, choices, and compassion in Chapters 33 and 34 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss” on this episode of “Our Story Your Story,” we’ve explored the profound themes that shape our existence. 

From understanding disparities and choices to the transformative power of empathy, we’ve navigated the complex tapestry of human experience. 

The lessons learned from Miguel’s journey, Toby’s reflections, and the hosts’ personal anecdotes highlight the significance of empathy, gratitude, and embracing change for a more fulfilling life.

Embark on a transformative journey this week by practicing gratitude, fostering empathy through meaningful connections, and setting a small goal for positive change — small steps that can lead to profound improvements in your life and the lives of those around you.

Practice Gratitude Daily

Young woman writing in a journal

Take a few minutes each day to reflect on three things you’re grateful for. 

Whether big or small, acknowledging the positive aspects of your life can shift your perspective and foster a sense of contentment.

Empathize and Connect

Two women sit and converse

Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and genuinely listen to their story. 

Practice empathy by understanding their experiences and feelings. 

Connecting with others on a deeper level fosters compassion and strengthens relationships.

Set a Small Goal for Change

Legs and feet walk on a path

Identify an area in your life where you feel the need for positive change. 

Set a small, achievable goal to initiate that change. 

It could be as simple as starting a new hobby, adopting a healthier habit, or reaching out for support.

Embracing change incrementally can lead to transformative outcomes.

By incorporating these action steps into your week, you’re not just engaging with the themes discussed in this episode; you’re actively contributing to your personal growth and well-being. 

Remember, life’s journey is a continuous narrative of choices, reflections, and transformations. 

Let’s embark on this journey together, embracing change and elevating our lives one step at a time.

Don’t forget to subscribe to “Our Story Your Story” for more enriching episodes and thank you for joining us on this literary adventure.

Adolescent Adventures and Nightmares: Exploring Misadventures with the Police

About the event in Afghanistan, I was basically in a hotel for two weeks. 

You know? 

They arrested me. They came and arrested me inside the Green Zone and took me and put me in this old Holiday Inn where I had to stay two weeks with terrible food until the Consular Officer came and got me out. 

My experiences in those situations have been nowhere as negative as experiences with Balkan warlords, Afghani warlords, or Colombian warlords. 

Those have been a lot more frightening.

— Toby Younis

Welcome back to another captivating episode of Our Story Your Story

In this installment, hosts Shelley Carney and Toby Younis guide us through the enthralling chapters 31 and 32 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” where the teenage protagonist, Miguel, finds himself entangled in a web of adolescent adventures and nightmares involving the New Orleans Police.

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

Taking Responsibility: A Lesson in Maturity

Young man holds up a motorcycle

Toby Younis shares a profound personal lesson drawn from chapters 31 and 32 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss.” 

Drawing parallels between his own life experiences and those of the teenage protagonist, Miguel, Toby reflects on the pivotal moments that taught him the importance of taking responsibility. 

“It’s all about perception and taking responsibility. You don’t have to be a jerk. If you do something wrong, you’ve done the crime. You’re going to have to do the time. The times when I did things wrong got me into trouble.”

— Toby Younis

The discussion highlights how Miguel’s encounter with the police after sleeping atop a mausoleum serves as a metaphor for the challenges young individuals face in navigating the complexities of adolescence. 

The voice sounds official to me, so I do what I’m told. I turn around, meeting the stares of two police officers wearing uniforms with accessories that indicate they are employed by the New Orleans Police Department.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 31

“I was very polite, you know, with ‘yes sirs’ and ‘no sirs.’ I understood that being a jerk was not going to help me.”

— Toby Younis

Reflecting on moments of recklessness, Toby emphasizes the importance of knowing your rights and the potential for positive resolutions, even in seemingly dire situations.

“I’ve gone through what I would do now, which is to ask, am I being charged with anything? If they say, we’re going to hold you here for a minute, you say, am I free to go? You’re well within your rights to do that. Not having this experience, I didn’t know any of that. Had I known it, would I have invoked it? At the time, I trusted that the officers knew what they were doing and would find a positive resolution.”

— Toby Younis

This exploration unveils a universal theme of maturity, illustrating how the journey toward adulthood often involves facing consequences, learning from mistakes, and ultimately taking responsibility for one’s choices. 

The journey to adulthood is a dance of progress and setbacks, a nuanced rhythm where individuals take a few steps forward, encountering challenges and learning valuable lessons, only to take a step back. 

“You were back and forth between that: Am I a man? Because I spent the night with a woman last night. Or, now I’m a boy again with these police officers who are telling me what to do and keeping me safe. You want that at the same time. You grow up a little, but then you take a step back.”

— Shelley Carney

It’s through this intricate choreography of advancement and regression that we navigate the winding path of maturity, steadily building resilience, wisdom, and a deeper understanding of ourselves until we ultimately arrive at the destination of adulthood.

“I had gone from ‘Mister Motorcycle guy’ to ‘I’m 15.’ I need to play that role here. I felt like these guys were willing to help me, maybe even take care of me.”

— Toby Younis

Through Toby’s insights, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the role responsibility plays in the maturation process, making this episode a compelling exploration of life’s lessons. 

Reflections on Justice and Injustice: Navigating a Complex System

Scales and gavel

Within the theme of justice, Toby explores his varied experiences with the legal system, acknowledging the existence of both just and unjust elements within it. 

“Despite my positive experiences, I know that others have faced injustice within the system. It’s important to acknowledge those experiences.”

— Toby Younis

By sharing stories of his siblings’ negative encounters, he sheds light on the diverse perspectives that individuals bring to their interactions with the justice system. 

“I don’t have a bad view of the justice system. My brothers and sisters, on the other hand, because they had so many encounters with the justice system and paid the price, their perception is that they were mistreated. So I had that contrast.”

— Toby Younis

This exploration encourages listeners to confront the complexities inherent in navigating a system that, while designed to uphold justice, may occasionally fall short.

Surreal Arrest and Detention: Reality Striking Like a Scripted Drama

Dragnet photo of Jack Webb

“Dragnet” is a classic American television series that originally aired from 1951 to 1959 and later in various revivals. Created and starring Jack Webb, the show is renowned for its realistic portrayal of police work. Set in Los Angeles, “Dragnet” follows the no-nonsense Detective Sergeant Joe Friday and his partners as they tackle a variety of cases, often based on real-life events. 

We recount the surreal atmosphere as the narrative transitions from calm to chaotic during Miguel’s encounter with the police. 

This process should intimidate and perhaps even frighten me. Instead, I’m feeling like this is just another part of my adventure. Then, like a bolt of lightning, everything changes as three officers attempting to wrangle a large and combative man explode through the main door.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 32

Toby shares his own reflections, drawing parallels between the experience and the scripted nature of TV shows like “Dragnet,” only to become unsettlingly real.

“I started imagining that any moment now, Joe Friday was going to walk in, wave at the desk sergeant, and then go back into the jail to interrogate somebody. It had that kind of 1960s police station kind of feeling.”

— Toby Younis

It was as if reality danced between the lines of a script, throwing him into a world he never thought he’d experience.

Facing Uncertainty and Embracing Adventure

Man on a horse with dog on the ground next to him

Toby’s open-minded approach to unexpected circumstances and thirst for adventure becomes a focal point of discussion as he shares personal insights.

“If you do the numerology on your birthdate, you’re a 5, and 5 is an adventurer. So it was like you were destined to have adventures, to say yes to life. You’re a very ‘take the bull by the horns’ kind of person because of the lure of adventure.”

— Shelley Carney

We discuss the importance of seizing opportunities that arise from unforeseen events and the valuable life lessons they can offer.

“After having the adventure I did, I think it opened my eyes to the possibilities. I felt confident that nothing that was going to happen from this point forward was going to be bad.”

— Toby Younis

Amidst uncertainty, there lies an opportunity for valuable experiences and life lessons. 

Psychological Effects and Personal Growth: Adrenaline Rush and Resilience

Tandem skydivers

The psychological effects of adrenaline, often referred to as the body’s “fight or flight” response, have been studied extensively in the field of neuroscience and psychology. 

When faced with a perceived threat or stressor, the adrenal glands release adrenaline, triggering a cascade of physiological changes designed to prepare the body for quick action. 

Adrenaline activates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to an increase in heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and a surge of energy. 

This heightened state of arousal can result in a sense of euphoria or anxiety, depending on the context of the situation. 

While adrenaline serves a crucial role in responding to immediate threats, its prolonged activation can contribute to stress-related disorders. 

Understanding the science behind adrenaline sheds light on how our bodies instinctively respond to challenges, influencing our cognitive and emotional experiences in the face of intense situations.

The comfort and curiosity I was feeling instantly converts to fear of this enraged mob closing in on me. My nerves jitter as if I had just consumed several cups of coffee as surreal abruptly disappears to reveal reality. I’m much more aware of the possibility of the danger of this place.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 32

The discussion touches on the psychological effects of adrenaline, drawing parallels between Miguel and Toby’s experiences. 

“That was probably the first time in my life that I experienced the adrenaline rush and the resulting comedown. Every time you find yourself in a combat situation, you’re pumping adrenaline. When it’s over, assuming that you survived it, you crash. You’ve got the shakes. I don’t think I ever became addicted to it. I didn’t need the adrenaline. I wasn’t looking for excitement as much as I was looking for achievement or accomplishment.”

— Toby Younis

Despite the rush and subsequent crash of adrenaline during dramatic incidents throughout his life, Toby emphasizes the resilience that kept him on course, committed to completing work contracts and pursuing new adventures.

A Journey Through Adolescent Adventures and Nightmares

In this insightful blog post, we’ve explored the latest episode of the “Our Story Your Story” podcast, which revolves around chapters 31 and 32 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss.” 

The discussion navigated the intricate landscape of adolescent adventures, encompassing themes of taking responsibility, reflections on justice and injustice, the surreal nature of arrest and detention, embracing uncertainty and adventure, and the psychological effects of adrenaline. 

Toby Younis shared personal anecdotes, weaving them seamlessly into the narrative, providing profound insights into the complexities of maturity, navigating the justice system, and facing the psychological and emotional rollercoaster that is part of life’s unexpected adventures.

Three Action Steps for Personal Growth:

Let’s take the insights from our podcast journey and translate them into actionable steps for personal growth. 

Here are three transformative actions you can take this week to enhance your understanding of responsibility, justice, and the adventurous spirit within you.

Reflect on Personal Responsibility

Young man thinks and writes

Take a moment this week to reflect on a recent challenge or mistake. 

Consider how taking responsibility for your actions, as discussed in the podcast, can lead to personal growth. 

Identify one step you can take to address the situation and demonstrate accountability.

Explore Diverse Perspectives on Justice

Woman in suit looks at clipboard in law office

Engage in conversations or readings that offer diverse perspectives on the justice system. 

Expand your understanding of the complexities involved, recognizing that individual experiences may vary. 

This step encourages empathy and a more comprehensive view of justice and injustice in society.

Embrace Unexpected Adventures

Young person tries badminton

Challenge yourself to embrace uncertainty and view unexpected situations as opportunities for growth. 

Whether it’s trying a new activity, taking a different route, or accepting a spontaneous invitation, stepping out of your comfort zone can foster resilience and enrich your life. 

Embracing the spirit of adventure, as discussed in the podcast, may lead to unexpected joys and valuable experiences.

Don’t miss out on this insightful and entertaining episode of Our Story Your Story! Subscribe, share, and embark on a journey through the adolescent adventures and nightmares that shape us all.

A New Beginning: Our Journey to a New Home in Summerville

Sometimes, life presents us with opportunities that are too good to pass up. 

This is exactly what happened to us when we recently visited Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, to visit family and explore the possibility of a new beginning. 

Toby and I found more than just a beautiful town; we discovered a new Beazer home in Cane Bay, Summerville, that captured our hearts. 

Exploring the Charms of Mount Pleasant

Our trip to Mount Pleasant was a reunion filled with warm embraces and joyful moments with our family. 

Toby’s daughter Ryan, her husband Tom, and four of their children hosted us for a week in their FROG (Furnished Room Over the Garage).

The charming coastal town, with its historic district, vibrant culture, and stunning waterfront views, won our hearts from the moment we arrived. 

As we explored the area, we couldn’t help but imagine ourselves living closer to our loved ones.

Enjoying a Boat Ride and a Memorable Lunch

During our visit to Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, we took advantage of the beautiful coastal location and indulged in a delightful boat ride. 

We departed from the Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina, a picturesque waterfront haven with a bustling atmosphere. The anticipation of our day on the water, with family and a sumptuous lunch at The Kingstide on Daniel Island, filled the air with excitement.

As the boat set off, the gentle rocking and the soothing sound of the water created a serene atmosphere. The journey from Charleston Harbor to Daniel Island was a breathtaking experience, highlighted by the moment we passed beneath the majestic arches of the Ravenel Bridge. 

The scenery along the way was a postcard-perfect view of the low country, with marshes, lush greenery, and the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum along with cargo ships along the shoreline.

Our destination was The Kingstide, a charming restaurant located on Daniel Island. Its reputation for fresh, locally sourced cuisine had piqued our interest, and we couldn’t wait to enjoy a late lunch with family. 

Over a leisurely lunch, we shared stories and laughter and made cherished memories. We savored the flavors of the South Carolina coast while appreciating the company of our loved ones.

A Return to Charleston Harbor

After a wonderful lunch, it was time to ride back to Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina. The journey back was equally enchanting, with the setting golden sun casting its glow on the water, creating a serene and captivating atmosphere.

As we made our way, a surprise awaited us. Three dolphins emerged from the water and playfully swam alongside our boat as if welcoming us back to the marina. Their graceful and carefree movements added a touch of magic to our voyage, and it was a sight that none of us will ever forget.

As we settled in and looked out at the dolphins, the iconic melodies of the Eagles filled the air. The music created a soothing soundtrack for the picturesque journey, and it was as if the universe had conspired to make this day on the water absolutely perfect.

Celebrating Halloween with Family

Our stay in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, was more than just about house-hunting and making big decisions—it was also about creating precious memories with our family. 

Halloween was a perfect opportunity to do just that.

On Saturday, October 28, we all rode in Ryan and Tom’s golf cart to a nearby block party that was indeed a Halloween carnival extravaganza. The entire neighborhood came together to celebrate this spooktacular occasion. 

The heart of the event was a bouncy castle and an inflatable obstacle course that left the kids bouncing with excitement.

We were all treated to an array of snacks and drinks that included some healthy juice, popcorn and tangerines, and many sugary delights, such as cotton candy and popsicles. 

The atmosphere was filled with laughter and the joy of being together, creating the perfect prelude to Halloween itself.

Then, on the much-anticipated evening of Halloween, the entire family was in for a thrilling adventure. 

Ryan, Tom, and their four children had an ingenious idea: they all dressed up as characters from the popular movie “Avatar.” Their costumes were simply incredible, transforming them into Na’vi, complete with the intricate blue skin and all the details that made them look as if they had just stepped out of Pandora.

Our Halloween night was nothing short of magical. As the sun began to set, we roamed through the beautifully decorated Mount Pleasant neighborhoods. The artistic and imaginative Halloween decorations were awe-inspiring, and the entire area seemed to have been sprinkled with spooky enchantment.

As we strolled through the streets, we couldn’t help but be amazed by the creative efforts that went into transforming front yards into scary graveyards, haunted houses, and whimsical pumpkin patches. 

The laughter of children and the sense of community warmed our hearts as kids and adults, dressed in an incredible array of costumes, went from house to house, trick or treating.

Neighbors greeted each other with smiles and treats, and we felt an immediate sense of belonging in this close-knit community.

The evening passed in a blur of laughter, candy, and excitement, and as the night grew darker, we reluctantly headed back home with our hearts full of gratitude for this incredible experience.

Discovering Cane Bay in Summerville

During our stay, we explored the nearby town of Summerville, where we heard about the beautiful Cane Bay community. The allure of Cane Bay, with its serene surroundings and modern amenities, was impossible to resist. 

As we toured the community, we were drawn to the Jasmine Point at the Lakes Beazer community and a home that ticked all the boxes on our dream home checklist.

Falling in Love with Our New Home

The Beazer home Juniper floor plan we stumbled upon in Cane Bay was a perfect fit for us. Its architectural design, spacious layout, and energy-efficient modern features perfectly suited our vision of a comfortable and inviting home. 

From the moment we walked through the model home, we knew we found our place in South Carolina.

Putting Down a Deposit and Planning the Future

Overwhelmed by the sense of excitement and possibility, we put down a deposit to have this beautiful home built for us. 

With an estimated construction timeline of approximately seven months, it gives us the perfect window of opportunity to prepare for our big move.

The Countdown to Our New Life

As we eagerly wait for our dream home to be built, Toby and I are working diligently on the details. 

We’ll have the chance to choose the colors, and styles of appliances, cupboards, and flooring, which allows us to personalize the space and make it truly our own. 

This part of the process is like adding the final strokes to a masterpiece.

Selling Our Homes and Possessions

With a bit of time before we move, we’re focusing on selling our homes in New Mexico and downsizing our possessions. It’s both a liberating and challenging experience, but it’s all part of the journey toward establishing our new life in South Carolina.

Looking Forward to Late Spring 2024

Our new home in Summerville will be ready in late spring 2024. 

This gives us plenty of time to prepare for this exciting transition. 

We’re eager to start this new chapter, embrace our family and the community, and create lasting memories in our new South Carolina home.

Stay tuned for more updates as we make our way to our dream home in late spring 2024.

Journey of Freedom and First Love | A Gypsy’s Kiss Chapters 29-30

Shelley and Toby Discuss Fear and Romance:

A young couple kiss by a river at night

I feel like there’s a connectedness between almost dying, and then wanting to have sex. 

It seems like they show that in a lot of war movies. 

People experience a fear that they’re going to die and then having sex seems like a natural progression of what people do to celebrate life.

It’s just this primal need. 

You felt ‘I’m gonna die,’ and then you didn’t die, so then your primal brain takes over and you get into procreation mode.

Yeah. It’s a primal response. 

And, hopefully, you’re with someone who’s okay with it.

Shelley and Toby Discuss Life and Death:

Ghostly spirit

Think of all that you had to give up to come to this planet.

You were unlimited. 

You had all this power and you had to fit yourself into this sausage casing, basically, to come to this planet. 

So, to die is to go back to what you had to give up to come here. 

I’m good with it. 

I just thought about how we look at death as the living on this earth. We look at death as a bad thing.

The end of something rather than the beginning.


Maybe we have it backward because the living get to write the story of ‘death is bad because we’re left behind.’ 

When people die, they leave us.

The dead aren’t the ones writing the story.

Today, we slide into the enchanting world of “A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure” by shining a spotlight on Chapters 29 and 30. But, that’s not all – we are thrilled to introduce you to the podcast “Our Story Your Story,” hosted by the dynamic duo of authors, Shelley Carney and Toby Younis.

In this episode, Shelley and Toby take us on a journey of reflection and self-discovery through the captivating chapters, unraveling themes of gratefulness, introspection, escape, and personal transformation. 

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

Join us as we dive deeper into these themes and extract valuable life lessons.

In these chapters, our protagonist Miguel, and his lovely companion Mariah, find themselves swimming for their lives in the Mississippi River. Together, they swim toward the bank and crawl onto a muddy beach. 

As they sit side by side in silence, a poignant moment unfolds. Miguel notices his boot floating by, just out of reach. 

Both soaked, Miguel’s leather jacket dripping, Mariah shivers. With kindness and warmth, Miguel removes his jacket, wringing out the muddy water, and places it on Mariah’s shoulders.

We discuss the amazing transformation of Miguel, the central figure of our story, as he goes from unhappiness to rebellion, ultimately taking bold action.

Discover how the river symbolizes escape and how Miguel’s journey is fueled by a relentless pursuit of freedom. 

Gratefulness after Surviving an Adventure: A Thoughtful Exploration

Two people hugging

Expressing gratitude is a profound and transformative practice that can enrich our lives and strengthen our connections with others. 

It involves recognizing and appreciating the good things that we receive in life. 

When we express gratitude, we not only acknowledge the positive impact of good fortune on our lives but also cultivate a sense of contentment and fulfillment. 

While we rest quietly together, I have several minutes to think about the night from the point at which I had fallen over with my bike on top of me, to now, where this beautiful, young woman wearing my jacket is lying next to me. I wonder, “How the hell am I ever going to top this?”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 30

It’s a powerful reminder that even in challenging times, there’s always something to be thankful for. 

The act of expressing gratitude nourishes our soul, fostering a more positive and harmonious outlook on life.

After surviving an adventure, different people react in unique ways. 

“I think it refers to the gratefulness of having survived the adventure. Some people I know from experience, having survived, their first reaction is ‘let’s get drunk and have a party.’ Other people having survived become introspective and want to be alone so they can just think about what they want. Other people find solace in the arms of someone else that they may or may not care about.”

— Toby Younis

The crucial takeaway? Surviving an adventure is just the beginning; it’s how you express your gratitude that truly defines the experience.

First Love and Solace: A Romantic Encounter

A couple hugging on the beach

Within these chapters, a romantic encounter emerges after a perilous adventure. 

This phenomenon isn’t unique to fiction; humans tend to seek solace and connection in the company of others. 

We recount the touching scene where Miguel and Mariah exit the river, finding solace in each other’s presence. 

I swim toward the bank a little faster, reach it, crawl out onto a muddy beach, turn around, and reach back to pull her out of the water to sit next to me in the mud. Everything is quiet and, it seems, neither of us wants to disturb the quiet with any kind of conversation. Although the night is warm, there is a slight breeze and Mariah wraps her arms around herself with a shiver. I take off my jacket, wringing out as much of the muddy water as I can, and drape it over her shoulders, hoping it will help.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 29

Sometimes, in the absence of a serious relationship, finding solace can be just as impactful in moving forward.

Dividing Life into Acts: Reflecting on Our Life’s Stages

Woman thinking about writing

Reflecting on our life’s stages is an introspective journey that allows us to understand the chapters of our existence and where we stand in the grand narrative of life. 

As Shelley Carney divides her life into acts and contemplates her own hero’s journey, we are reminded that our experiences form a complex, multi-act story that is uniquely our own. 

“It is kind of interesting to find these different acts in our stories and in our lives. I was thinking about that today. I’m kind of entering into Act 3 in my life, and how would I split them up? Would I split them up as living in Arizona, living in New Mexico, and living in South Carolina as Act 1, 2, and 3? Or Act 1 is when I was single, Act 2 when I was married, and Act 3 when I was single again?”

— Shelley Carney

The concept of “acts” in life resonates strongly with the idea that we all undergo phases of growth, challenges, and self-discovery. 

“I’ve come away from this last summer of turmoil and difficult challenges. We’re entering into Act 3. We’re looking forward to selling houses, moving to South Carolina, having a new adventure, and becoming our next selves, whoever that might be.”

— Shelley Carney

This reflection prompts us to evaluate where we are in our life’s narrative, assess our goals, and embrace the evolving roles we play. 

It’s a powerful exercise in self-awareness, helping us acknowledge our personal growth, embrace new opportunities, and learn from our past as we step into the next act of our lives, authoring our stories with intention and purpose.

We delve into the significance of Act 3 in the hero’s journey and parallel it with Miguel/Mike’s journey from unhappiness to rebellion to taking action. 

I remain awake a little while longer, staring up at the sky. It’s not the starry sky of New Mexico where Mike used to live. It’s the cloudy sky over New Orleans warmed by the glow of the city below, where Miguel is learning to live, enchanted by the woman lying next to him.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 30

Our lives are like stories, composed of different acts. Recognizing where we are can help us determine how to move forward.

“I think we’re at the end of Act 2 here, as he starts the return. He starts wondering, of course, is this the end of an adventure? When in reality, he realizes later on that this was the beginning of a lifelong adventure.”

— Toby Younis

Connections and Memories

Man thinking

The connections we forge with people we’ve met along our life’s journey can be a profound source of both joy and introspection that form a network of memories. 

Reconnecting with individuals we’ve lost touch with is a poignant reminder of the significance of these relationships. 

While we may not always recapture the moments we shared in the past, these connections remain a part of our story, reminding us of the ever-evolving nature of our personal narratives. 

Whether through reminiscing about old friends or fostering new relationships, these interactions continuously shape our understanding of the world and ourselves.

Toby’s experiences of losing touch with people he met during his travels prompt us to consider the importance of staying connected, regardless of proximity. 

“There were lots of people that I met along the way. Lisette, for example. That you wish, like, shouldn’t you have gone back there and reengaged with her? Perhaps when you got back from Vietnam?”

— Toby Younis

Toby’s encounters with long-lost friends, not as ideal as he’d hoped, illustrate that we cannot recapture the moments shared in the past. 

“A woman I asked to marry me, my first fiancée. The plan was to get married after college. Somewhere during college, she fell in love with an antiwar protester who committed crimes and ended up having to run to Canada. She went off with him and didn’t finish her school until later. Then one time in Santa Fe, I had come to visit, and I ran into her at Fiesta. I wanted it to be better, but you can’t bring it back.”

— Toby Younis

Sometimes, we must move forward and grow on our own without those we’ve met along the way.

Freedom and Personal Transformation: A Journey Worth Taking

Young man standing in a river

The pursuit of freedom often walks hand in hand with personal transformation. 

In the story of life, we find ourselves in different roles and chapters, much like the protagonist in a novel. 

The chapters where we yearn for freedom, whether it’s breaking free from societal expectations or escaping personal limitations, are the moments that most often trigger profound personal growth. 

Chapters 29 and 30 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss” exemplify this beautifully, with Miguel’s journey mirroring our own human quest for liberation. 

They remind us that freedom isn’t merely about escaping external constraints; it’s an internal transformation that empowers us to take charge of our destinies, to become the authors of our stories. 

Through this process, we redefine ourselves, reshape our priorities, and, ultimately, find the freedom we’ve always sought. 

It’s an exploration of self-discovery and empowerment, illustrating that the most significant adventures often occur within the confines of our own hearts and minds.

Chapters 29-30 introduce themes of escape and freedom, symbolized by the river, representing the death of boyhood when going in and the coming of age into manhood when coming out. 

“Seems that diving into the river and getting out on the other side is not only getting away from the bad guys, but it was also a coming of age, ‘now I am a man,’ that led into this whole romantic interlude between Miguel and Mariah. The cemetery was apropos as the place of death of boyhood. Falling asleep to the old life, and then waking up to a new life. There’s a lot going on there.”

— Shelley Carney

The protagonist, Miguel, displays remarkable courage, and a willingness to take risks for freedom and independence. 

“Freedom is in your head. That’s one of the lessons that comes with age.”

— Toby Younis

Freedom is a state of mind, and as we age, we realize it comes from within.

“We find out that no matter where you go, there you are. You take yourself with you. So whatever problems you have, you bring them with you. Because you don’t leave yourself behind. You’re right there.”

— Shelley Carney

Death and Acceptance: A Unique Perspective

Older man writing in a journal outdoors

We explore the profound concept that death is a return to what we had to give up to come to this planet. It is a form of freedom and a crossing over into a new, more powerful way of being. 

Society often views death negatively, but we challenge this perspective, considering death as a natural part of life. 

Death is a sad story told by the living and accepting it is a path to a different perspective and inner peace.

“I just thought about how we look at death as the living on this earth. We look at death as a bad thing. Maybe we have it backward because the living get to write the story of, ‘death is bad because we’re left behind.’ When people die, they leave us. The dead aren’t the ones writing the story.”

— Shelley Carney

Our journey concludes with an exploration of the poem “Thanatopsis” by William Cullen Bryant, which seeks to explore our relationship with death. 

“If you read Thanatopsis, it’s poetic prose. It basically is someone who has written down how to accept the idea of death without any fear whatsoever. Including that last stanza, ‘wrap the draperies of your couch about you, and lie down to pleasant dreams.’ A lot of what goes on in that poem is an adventure, an acceptance, and a willingness to look at things in a different way. Death is not anything to be feared. Adventure is not anything to be feared. It is to be tried and accepted to make it part of your life. Now I know it sounds silly to say you make death a part of your life, but once you do that, life gets so much easier and less worrisome.”

— Toby Younis

Our podcast hosts delve into the poem’s meaning and its relevance to life experiences and Miguel’s story, highlighting the powerful connection between death and nature.

Embrace Life’s Lessons and Write Your Own Story

We urge you to embrace the themes from “A Gypsy’s Kiss” and reflect on your own life’s transformative experiences. 

Shelley Carney and Toby Younis have shared an enriching narrative that invites you to uncover your own story.

In the spirit of living authentically, we encourage you to:

Express Gratitude

Coffee cup with words Thank You written in foam

Take a moment to express your gratitude, whether for surviving an adventure or for the people in your life.

Expressing gratitude doesn’t have to be elaborate or complicated; simple gestures can be incredibly meaningful. 

A heartfelt smile, a warm “thank you,” or a handwritten note can go a long way in showing appreciation. 

Additionally, actively listening to someone, giving them your full attention, and expressing empathy when they need it can be powerful ways to convey your gratitude. 

Acts of service, like helping a friend or family member with a task, can also demonstrate your thankfulness. 

In today’s digital age, sending a thoughtful text or email to express your appreciation is a practical way to brighten someone’s day. 

Gratitude journals, where you jot down things you’re thankful for daily, can be an excellent way to cultivate a habit of gratitude. 

Ultimately, the simplest acts of kindness and acknowledgment can carry immense gratitude and foster strong, positive relationships.

Stay Connected 

Man texting and smiling

Make an active effort to stay connected with the people who matter to you, even if life takes you in different directions.

Staying connected with loved ones and maintaining meaningful relationships can be achieved through practical and straightforward means. 

Regularly reaching out via phone calls, text messages, or video chats is a simple yet effective way to keep the connection alive, especially when distance separates you. 

Scheduling regular catch-ups or virtual hangouts with friends and family can provide a sense of togetherness. 

Social media platforms offer an easy way to stay updated with friends’ lives and share yours. 

Sending surprise messages or small tokens of appreciation can also be a lovely way to nurture connections. 

It’s not just about the frequency of contact but the quality of interaction, so active listening and asking about the other person’s well-being can make a world of difference. 

In essence, staying connected is about making the effort to keep the lines of communication open, even in small, manageable ways.

Find Freedom Within

Putting books in a box

True freedom is a state of mind, and as you age and grow, you can find it from within.

Finding freedom doesn’t always require grand gestures or major life changes; it can be achieved through practical and simple means. 

One way is by decluttering your physical and mental space. 

Clearing out unnecessary belongings and letting go of emotional baggage can create a sense of liberation. 

Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you find freedom by focusing on the present moment and reducing stress and anxiety. 

Setting boundaries and learning to say no when necessary can also free up your time and energy for the things that truly matter to you. 

Moreover, pursuing your passions and hobbies, even in small increments, can provide a sense of liberation and self-expression. 

Ultimately, it’s about making conscious choices that align with your values and desires, which can lead to a greater sense of freedom in your life.

As you embark on your journey of freedom, self-discovery, and connection, remember that every chapter of life contributes to your unique story. Embrace it, treasure it, and share it with the world. 

We invite you to explore these themes and engage with us by watching the Our Story Your Story video, listening to the podcast, reading the A Gypsy’s Kiss book, or reaching out to share your own stories when you write to us at stories@agkmedia.studio

Your voice and perspective are essential in making this journey of discovery even more enriching and rewarding. 

We look forward to connecting with you and embarking on this captivating adventure together.

Unveiling Secrets and Danger – Exploring “A Gypsy’s Kiss” Chapter 28

“Merde!” Jean Luc exclaims and then continues on in several loud, angry French-Cajun phrases, directing them first at Jacques and then Mariah. Next, he turns on me, pointing with his knife. 

Jaw clenched, face blood red, pulsing veins in his neck and forehead, and bloodshot eyes bulging, he spits out, “Little piggy! I’m going to stick you!” 

Mariah grabs my hand, pulls me up, and runs the two of us toward the window. 

We go through the open window together and fall to the shingled roof. Then we slide down and over the edge into the waiting Mississippi below.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

Welcome back to Our Story Your Story, where we delve into the depths of fascinating journeys and untold tales. In this edition, we dive into Chapter 28 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” where secrets are unveiled and danger lurks in the shadows.

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

In this gripping episode, we unravel the intensity and suspense of Chapter 28 “Black Jack,” guided by the authors and hosts, Toby Younis, and Shelley Carney. 

Join us as we navigate the themes of mystery, danger, and greed within this pulse-pounding chapter.

Journey back to when personal issues faded into insignificance against the backdrop of an enthralling adventure. Discover how this experience shaped Toby’s perspective on survival, evil, and resilience.

Throughout the episode, the themes of context and comparison take center stage. We discuss two harrowing scenarios and invite you to contemplate which situation you would find more daunting. 

Setting the Scene

Young woman looks worried

The atmosphere thickens as an elderly figure steps into Mariah’s room, bringing with him unsettling scents and dishevelment that discomforts young Miguel. 

An animated conversation in a foreign language ensues, filled with hand gestures and escalating volume, heightening the tension. Suddenly, a hush falls over the room as the old man silences the conversation with a whisper, shrouding the room in suspense.

As the episode unfolds, Mariah emerges as a persuasive force, successfully making her case with the old man. The intensity builds as Mariah’s confidence grows, leading to a crucial revelation that sends shockwaves through the narrative. 

Solemnly staring at an aged and worn piece of paper, Miguel is confronted with a level of danger beyond what he expected.

Jean Luc, the sinister owner of L’étrange, grows increasingly impatient, willing to go to great lengths to unearth the long-awaited treasure. As tensions escalate, old wounds are reopened, and the plot thickens with each passing moment. 

The narrative takes a dark turn as Jean Luc’s anger spills over, punctuated by threatening gestures with a sharp blade and menacing French Cajun phrases.

Mariah’s Determination

Young woman in front of window

Determination is a potent driving force that empowers individuals to seek freedom, often finding unexpected opportunities amidst challenging circumstances. 

Imagine a determined student facing financial hardships, stumbling upon a scholarship that opens the doors to education and a brighter future. 

Similarly, an individual shackled by a mundane job might have a chance meeting that leads to a career change, granting the freedom to pursue their passions. 

These instances of serendipity, arising unexpectedly, demonstrate how determination can align with fortuitous events, guiding people towards freedom and a more fulfilling life.

Mariah’s burning desire for freedom instigates the scene with Miguel, Jacques, and Jean Luc in her room. She sees her unexpected relationship with Miguel as a welcome possibility to flee the shadow of the evil Jean Luc.

Jean Luc owns everything. The bar, the liquor, the women, Grand-père and me. Jean Luc believes that Grand-père knows the location of the treasure. Although Grand-père denies knowing the correct location, Jean Luc will not let us go until he is told where the treasure is hidden.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

Her confidence is clear as she vouches for Miguel’s trustworthiness in being privy to the hidden treasure’s secrets. 

They speak in quiet tones for a little longer and it strikes me that whatever case Mariah is trying to make with him; she is succeeding. At one point, she stares at me for a few seconds and back to the old man. All she says is, “Oui, j’en suis certain.”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

This showcases Mariah’s assertiveness and pivotal role in propelling the story forward.

Threats vs. Persuasion

Young woman sitting

The contrast between persuasive communication based on logical arguments and the use of threats and violence to achieve one’s objectives is profound and speaks to the heart of human interaction. 

Persuasion through logical arguments embodies reason, empathy, and understanding. 

It entails presenting well-founded ideas, considering different viewpoints, and appealing to others’ sense of logic and rationality.

Family loyalty often aligns with persuasive communication, as it’s built on respect, trust, and empathy.

Threats and violence are coercive tactics that rely on fear, intimidation, and domination.

Amidst this high-stakes encounter, we witness Jean Luc’s growing impatience and his willingness to go to any lengths to locate the treasure. 

The door bursts open. It is Jean Luc. He looks quickly and angrily around the room at Mariah, Jacques and then me, instantly pulling something out of his pocket. He flicks open and brandishes a switchblade knife.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

His aggressive demeanor and menacing threats target Mariah, Jacques, and Miguel, intensifying the suspense and danger within the confrontation.

“I’m surrounded by bad guys and in a bad place. But you had to respect her response. Because I didn’t have enough evil in my life. I had anger, but I didn’t grow up around evil. She did. So she knew exactly what to do.”

— Toby Younis

Resorting to threats and violence can lead to lasting emotional and physiological harm. 

Ultimately, the choice between persuasion and coercion reflects the values and ethics one upholds in their interactions with others.

Mariah uses persuasion and her grandfather’s loyalty to present the story of her circumstances to Miguel, hoping to convince him to help her escape.

I stare solemnly at what Mariah is holding in front of me. My brow furrows as a rush of possibilities explodes in my head. Treasure! After we recover it, we are free! Jacques can go back home, and Mariah and I can ride the BSA off into the sunset!

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

Writing and Reflection

Writing in a journal looking at a laptop

Writing the stories of one’s life is a formidable undertaking, often challenging to begin and see through to completion. 

The difficulty lies in taking that initial step, grappling with memories, and organizing a lifetime of experiences into a coherent narrative. 

Many writers find it essential to set self-imposed deadlines to hold themselves accountable, a tool that helps combat procrastination. 

Creating a dedicated space for writing, devoid of distractions, becomes vital. 

Some writers go to isolated places where their only task is to write, eliminating the noise of everyday life. 

Toby and Shelley’s approach of writing during a long drive from Albuquerque to New Orleans exemplifies this concept. 

By immersing themselves in the very environment where their story unfolded and confining themselves to a vehicle together, they harnessed focus and dedication, enabling them to pour Toby’s memories onto the pages and craft a significant portion of their book during the journey. 

“It was fun having Kevin along for the ride to and from Louisiana because we wrote a significant part of this book on that travel. I was dictating it, and Shelley was typing it. I’d say something, and you’d hear Kevin fooling around with his iPad in the back, and he said, ‘nope. Can’t do that.’ ‘Why can’t I do that?’ ‘On that date, there were no trains leaving New Orleans in the morning’ or something like that.”

— Toby Younis

This illustrates the power of environment and focused commitment in surmounting the challenge of writing the stories that define us.

They delve into the significance of the Jean Luc confrontation, emphasizing the inclusion of terror-filled moments to grip readers’ attention and stir their imagination.

“We have tension and fear, because of the confrontation with Jean Luc. In fact, it was so good that I included that section on the back of the book and in the description on the Amazon page. ‘Jean Luc hurled angry French curses as he thrust his menacing switchblade at my chest. His last words, the only ones I understand, hiss through his clenched teeth. Little piggy, I’m going to stick you.’ That was probably the most terror-filled moment in the book. I chose to put that in there to capture people’s attention and imagination so they would want to read more.”

— Shelley Carney

The placement and execution of a climactic and frightening event within a story holds immense significance in shaping the reader’s engagement and emotional experience. 

Such an event serves as a crucial turning point, injecting adrenaline and heightened emotions into the narrative. 

When strategically placed, it acts as the pinnacle of suspense, grabbing the reader’s attention and intensifying their connection to the story. 

In Chapter 28 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” the most frightening and thrilling event in Miguel’s journey takes place, catapulting the story into a heart-pounding confrontation with Jean Luc. 

This carefully orchestrated moment of terror not only brings the plot to a boiling point, but also provides a sense of release and resolution, leaving readers with a lasting impact. 

“It must have been quite an eye-opening evening for you to go from ‘this girl seems great,’ then suddenly, ‘she’s not what I thought she was,’ then ‘I’m going to try to help her out’ and then find out her grandfather’s also a bad guy. It’s like, wait a minute! I’m surrounded by bad guys!”

— Shelley Carney

The vivid portrayal and nail-biting intensity of this event leave readers on the edge of their seats, showcasing how the placement and execution of a climactic event can significantly enhance the reading experience, leaving an indelible mark on the reader’s memory.

Context and Comparison

Three people compare baskets in a store together

Context and comparison are vital tools in understanding the world around us. 

Context involves considering the circumstances, environment, or background in which something exists or occurs. 

It provides the necessary framework for a deeper comprehension of a situation, text, or event. 

Comparison‌ involves evaluating similarities and differences between various elements, shedding light on their characteristics, values, or effects. 

Through comparing and contrasting, we gain insights into the nuances and intricacies that define each subject. 

Together, context and comparison help us decipher complexities, make informed decisions, and develop a more profound understanding of the diverse facets of life and human experiences. 

“She had the sense of an existence within a world of evil that I didn’t have. Her response was very automatic. I would have had to think about it, and probably got myself stuck like a little piggy in the process. She grabbed my hand and headed for the window, going out the window, knowing exactly what was going to happen. Me following, not realizing we’re going into the Mississippi River. It was very fortunate that she was on her toes enough to do something.”

— Toby Younis

Comparing two hazardous situations, the narrative explores the severity of confronting a switchblade-wielding assailant versus leaping out a window into the Mississippi River. 

“Another option would have been some way to surrender to what was going on, but Jean Luc started with, ‘I’m going to stick you, little piggy.’ This guy is serious. When this guy gets like this, the best thing to do is run in the opposite direction.”

— Toby Younis

We analyze the importance of context in determining the gravity of each scenario, shedding light on the relevance of personal experience in different environments.

“In the case of Jean Luc, you had to realize that when he walks in the door, starts cursing, and flicks out his switchblade, this is a situation that’s not going to get better. It’s going to get worse. That’s being around evil.”

— Toby Younis

The Power of Survival

Person runs into the fog

Reflecting on survival, we realize dire circumstances can momentarily eclipse personal problems. 

“After 5 years in the military war zones and 35 years with the intelligence community, you just became, as a matter of your own personal security, more aware. Not just of your surroundings, but of what was happening in them. I’m always telling you first thing, get off the X. You have to be very much aware that the X is headed your way. The difference between being alive or dead is movement.”

— Toby Younis

Miguel’s escape from the threat compels him to reevaluate life, transcending the challenges he faced before. 

“You’re in a completely different world where whether your father’s alive, whether your relationship with your mother is good, or whether you like boarding school was totally irrelevant. I think that was part of the lesson. There are other things in life that could make you easily forget.”

— Toby Younis

The belief in multiple lives, a notion linked to the gypsy’s promise, influences Miguel’s outlook on life.

“In the greater context of my life, that wasn’t so bad and I survived it. I still have the 8 lives that I’ve been guaranteed by the gypsy. I don’t count jumping into the Mississippi River as life-threatening because, honestly, I survived it.”

— Toby Younis

The Hidden Treasure and Evil

The allure of hidden treasure possesses an ageless charm, captivating the human imagination and igniting a thirst for adventure. 

It taps into our primal desires for discovery, excitement, and the potential of finding something valuable or mysterious. 

This allure, however, often triggers a shift in people’s thinking and actions that can be extreme, as they are driven by greed. 

The promise of unimaginable wealth or a priceless artifact can push individuals to venture into perilous territories, risking their safety and ethics. 

The pursuit of hidden treasure, when fueled by greed, can overshadow reason, leading people to cross ethical boundaries and engage in reckless behaviors. 

This dark side of treasure hunting reveals how the lure of wealth can distort intentions and drive individuals to extreme lengths in their quest for the ultimate prize.

Delving into the mystery surrounding Cotillard’s hidden treasure, we explore Mariah’s grandfather’s conviction in its existence and the criticality of accurate interpretation. 

My grandfather unrolled the paper, read it, and realized that it told him how to find Cotillard’s hidden treasure, the spoils of his criminal ways. But it was written in a way only Cotillard could make sense of. Around New Orleans, the story of Cotillard’s hidden treasure is considered gossip, or a conte fantastique. My grandfather insists it is a real, true treasure, and if the words can be properly interpreted, the treasure can be found.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

Mariah’s acute sensitivity to people’s evil intentions concerning the treasure juxtaposed with Miguel’s innocence adds depth to the theme of good versus evil.

Jean Luc will not let us go until he is told where the treasure is hidden. Now his patience is wearing thin. Jean Luc is prepared to do anything to get Grand-père to tell him where to find the treasure, and he will do it very soon. 

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 28

Unveiling Treasures Within and Beyond

Man standing in the woods at sunset

In this exploration of the allure of hidden treasure, we’ve journeyed through the themes of curiosity, adventure, determination, and the complexities of human desire. 

The call of the unknown, whether it’s uncovering an ancient artifact or deciphering a captivating story, possesses an undeniable magnetism that influences our thinking and actions. 

However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the dangers of greed that can drive individuals to extreme measures, overshadowing the joy of discovery.

To enrich our lives using these insights, consider these three simple suggestions:

Embrace Curiosity Mindfully 

A cat sniffs a paintbrush leaning on a can of paint.

Let curiosity be your guide, leading you to explore new avenues and experiences. 

Approach each adventure with a mindful perspective, considering the potential impact on yourself and others. 

Curiosity can open doors to growth and understanding, but staying mindful will ensure you navigate these ventures responsibly and ethically.

Balance Ambition with Ethical Limits 

Man walks on railroad rail

When pursuing your ambitions and dreams, be cognizant of the boundaries you set for yourself. 

Ambition is a powerful motivator, but ensuring it aligns with ethical principles will preserve your integrity and safeguard against actions driven solely by greed. 

Strive for success, but let your moral compass be your guiding light.

Find Value in the Journey, Not Just the Destination

Young man standing on a road looking ahead

Treasure the journey itself—the experiences, challenges, and growth you encounter along the way. 

While the destination may hold allure, the path you carve and the lessons you learn contribute to your true wealth. 

Embrace the process, for therein lies the real treasure of life.

Unveiling treasures, whether hidden within the pages of a captivating book or within our own pursuits, enriches our lives and adds meaning to our endeavors. 

Let us strive to embrace the thrill of discovery, guided by wisdom and tempered by ethical considerations. 

Through mindful choices, we can make our journeys more fulfilling, leaving a legacy that transcends mere riches. 

The electrifying elements woven into this episode leave us eager to explore more. 

Join us in the Our Story Your Story podcast and blog to uncover the treasures hidden within this enthralling tale.

Exploitation, Empathy, and Betrayal: Lessons from “A Gypsy’s Kiss”

Miguel finds himself in a lively bar, surrounded by attractive women and captivating music. The atmosphere is buzzing with laughter and lively conversations as he navigates this new environment. Amidst the noise, he leans in closer to hear Mariah’s question about knowing another place like this one. 

Intrigued, Miguel reflects on his willingness to accept opportunities and take risks without a clear plan.

Things take a darker turn when a romantic encounter with a supposed lover transforms into an unsettling experience of exploitation. 

Miguel reflects on the lack of indications that might have forewarned him, experiencing the shock and emotional impact of this sudden betrayal.

Initially reacting negatively, Miguel’s perspective soon shifts to empathy, highlighting the complexity of human emotions and the influence of external factors.

Welcome to another compelling episode of “Our Story Your Story,” the podcast where we unravel the intricacies of literature and the human experience. In this episode, insightful hosts/authors, Toby Younis and Shelley Carney dive deep into Chapter 27 of the riveting novel “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” shedding light on profound themes that resonate with us all.

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

Join us as we delve deeper into the intricacies of exploitation, empathy, and betrayal in this latest chapter. 

We explore themes of adventure, trust, and the consequences of saying “yes” without hesitation. 

Toby shares anecdotes from his vast array of life experiences, from traveling to exotic locations to the contrast between his typical suburban life and the unpredictable world he entered for his work as a contractor for the Intelligence Community.

Dichotomy of Romanticism and Exploitation

couple having drinks

In Chapter 27 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss,” we are confronted with a poignant exploration of the human experience—a stark dichotomy between the allure of initial romantic encounters and the brutal reality of exploitation. 

The unsuspecting beauty of a romantic rendezvous quickly crumbles as Miguel, our teenage protagonist, steps into a world he believed to be charming, only to discover a sinister truth. 

What initially seemed like an enchanting adventure takes a dark turn as he realizes the true nature of the situation, where the facade of romance conceals a grim underbelly of exploitation. 

I can almost taste the smoke, sweat, and cheap perfume in the room. A pall has fallen over the scene. There is danger here. My spine and the skin of my arms and hands buzz with electricity.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 27

This sharp contrast serves as a stark reminder of the complex layers that exist within human interactions, revealing the extent to which appearances can deceive and illuminate the need for deeper understanding and empathy in our interactions with others.

“That sense of ‘I’ve been betrayed’ was momentary. Part of it was elicited by the fear that he was experiencing of Jean Luc, who looks like a bad guy, and his two henchmen, who are even more bad-guy-looking. But by the time he was at the stairs, I think he had transitioned into, wow, what a tough place to be.”

— Toby Younis

Fear, a potent and primal emotion, holds a profound influence over our perceptions, often skewing our outlook by magnifying the negative while diminishing the positive. 

When gripped by fear, our minds tend to fixate on potential threats, uncertainties, and unfavorable outcomes. 

“It’s one thing to not know what you’re walking into. It’s another thing to not know what you’re walking into is a really bad situation. That’s happened to me more than once.”

— Toby Younis

This perceptual bias can hinder our ability to see the full spectrum of possibilities, clouding our judgment and impeding rational decision-making. 

Consequently, fear can create a distorted reality where the shadows loom larger than the light, highlighting the importance of managing our fears to maintain a balanced and realistic perspective on life and its challenges.

The Power of Saying “Yes”

Two jeeps pointed in opposite directions on a mountainside

The power of saying “yes” cannot be underestimated, for it holds the potential to transform our lives and enrich our experiences in profound ways. 

Embracing the affirmative enables us to step beyond our comfort zones, venture into uncharted territories, and welcome opportunities that beckon us. 

“The curiosity is what caused him to say yes. That’s how we build up our emotional acceptance of the potential of adventure. The willingness to say, yeah, let me go to the next step. What’s this about?”

— Toby Younis

Saying “yes” is an acknowledgment that we are open to growth, learning, and adventure. 

Ultimately, the power of saying “yes” lies in its ability to infuse our lives with vibrancy, purpose, and a sense of fulfillment, unveiling paths we may have never known existed.

She stands at the second window, staring silently out into the night, then motions me to join her. I close the space between and come to a stop very close to her. She puts her arms around my neck and turns her head to continue to gaze out the window. I slide my hands around her waist and look out the window with her. Across the river, I can see the bright lights of the city’s celebration turning the clouds in the sky above a warm orange color.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 27

Miguel’s willingness to say “yes” to what seemed like an adventure serves as an important lesson in the transformative power of accepting opportunities and taking risks, emphasizing how openness to new experiences can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Empathy and Betrayal

Empathy, a quality rooted in understanding and compassion, prompts us to connect with the feelings and experiences of others, fostering trust and intimacy. 

Bad guy smirking

However, when betrayal enters the equation, this delicate balance is disrupted. 

Betrayal fractures trust, leaving us wounded and hesitant to extend our empathy again. 

“You have argent, yes?” Not knowing what he is asking, I turn to Mariah, the question inherent in my raised eyebrow. She says, “Money.” Money? The night pivots. I search Mariah’s face for answers. I experience a whole new range of emotions in less than a second. Dread claws inside me, betrayal lights my face afire.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 27

Yet, even in the aftermath of betrayal, empathy can emerge as a guiding light, encouraging understanding and forgiveness. 

“The way he was affected was mostly the shock of that transition. He should have realized it when he walked into the place, and she said, do you know what this place is? He should have expected it. It was surprising to see him react with such a negative emotion as opposed to a sympathetic reaction.”

— Toby Younis

It’s a fragile dance between hurt and healing, where empathy challenges the scars of betrayal, reminding us of our shared vulnerability as humans and our capacity to rebuild connections, transcending the wounds inflicted by betrayal.

Miguel’s initial fearful reaction takes a turn towards understanding and empathy as he realizes the situation Mariah is trapped in, unraveling the complexity of human emotions and responses.

A feeling of indignation and a desire to help Mariah arises in me. I think of several ways I want to offer to assist so she can feel happy and free and live life the way she chooses, instead of being told how and where to live.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 27

The Importance of Noticing Details

Squirrel looking at the camera

The significance of acute observation and attention to detail, especially in unfamiliar or potentially dangerous situations, cannot be overstated. 

These skills act as a crucial shield for personal safety and well-being. 

In situations where danger may lurk, it’s often the subtle details—the ominous glance, a peculiar movement, or an out-of-place object—that can provide vital information. 

“You see 10 times more things than I do. You’re like, ‘Those guys are going to go into that Walmart and steal stuff.’ And I’m like, ‘What? How do you know that?’ And they do! Then they’re running out again, and you’re like, ‘See?’ You have this ability to be hyperaware.”

— Shelley Carney

They serve as early warnings, offering us a chance to assess and respond effectively to potential threats. 

The ability to keenly observe and discern these nuances can mean the difference between safety and harm. 

Jean Luc snatches the bundle out of my hand and starts his own count. I start to react, and noticing the giant men behind him clench their fists as they watch, quickly think better of it.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 27

It’s a testament to our innate survival instinct and underscores the importance of honing our observational skills, allowing us to navigate the world with a heightened sense of awareness and protection.

Accepting the Unknown

Young confused man

Embracing the unknown is a profound testament to our resilience and adaptability as human beings. 

Life is a journey through uncertainties, and accepting the unknown is surrendering to the vast and unpredictable universe that unfolds before us. 

I feel like I’ve just been dropped into the middle of a seedy murder movie where I’m the next victim. Mariah bites her lower lip to stop it from quivering. Resolute, I turn to Jean Luc and nod.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 27

It involves acknowledging our limitations and understanding that we cannot control every outcome or foresee every twist and turn. 

Instead of succumbing to fear or anxiety, accepting the unknown allows us to cultivate a mindset of curiosity and openness. 

It beckons us to explore uncharted territories with courage, to learn from unexpected experiences, and to revel in the magic of the unfamiliar. 

“Everything was moving along at a rapid pace. When you’re in a new situation, the situation is moving faster than your ability to comprehend the situation. You’re moving with it rather than a plan that you had when you stepped through the door or even before that. It was the same with the gypsy. There was no plan. He just went forward with it. And it’s the same in L’étrange, where he just says okay, and yes, and yes, and yes.”

— Toby Younis

Miguel’s experiences in unfamiliar territory prompt reflection on the importance of embracing the unknown and adapting without a clear plan. 

This readiness to step into the unknown can shape one’s journey and outlook on life.

Risks and Consequences

money, cards, a calculator, credit cards and a loan application

Every decision, every action is a gamble, a risk taken in the grand game of existence. 

Risk implies stepping into the realm of uncertainty, of unpredictability, with a willingness to face potential outcomes, whether favorable or adverse. 

However, this daring pursuit is not without its repercussions. 

Consequences are the aftermath, the echoes of our choices reverberating through time. 

They teach us invaluable lessons, revealing the impact of our actions and guiding us in making wiser decisions. 

“You’re always telling me that I notice things. Well, in some cases, if you didn’t notice those things, it could cost you your life on one hand or body parts on the other.”

— Toby Younis

It’s a perpetual cycle where our willingness to embrace risks is tempered by an understanding of the potential consequences, striking a delicate balance that propels us forward on our life’s journey. 

Each step, each risk, and each consequence contributes to a lifetime of our experiences, shaping the narratives that define us.

“There’s a point where if you keep saying yes enough times, pretty soon you risk something. You risk your appendages or your life, and that’s happened plenty of times with people who do this for a living.”

— Toby Younis

The episode brings to light the consequences of repeatedly saying “yes” and taking risks without careful consideration. 

“Everybody that was on the contract side, you didn’t spend a lot of time talking about your normal life, you know, back in the world. The first time I heard that was when I was in Vietnam. ‘When are you going back to the world?’ Meaning, you weren’t in the world. You were in this bubble of, in this case, the Vietnam War. You were in the bubble of what was happening in Iraq or Afghanistan or Serbo Croatia. What’s going on back in the world? My world was the life that I led with a beautiful family in Chantilly, Virginia. There was a contrast. I didn’t necessarily like going away from it. It always took me three days to get over it. Like, why did I take this contract? Then what struck me was reading the contract and remembering how much I’m getting paid for this contract that allows my family to get the things that they need.”

— Toby Younis

Continuous risk-taking can lead to severe repercussions, emphasizing the need for balance and prudence in decision-making.

Lessons Learned and Reflections

In this thought-provoking episode, we’ve examined the central themes of exploitation, empathy, and betrayal woven into the fabric of “A Gypsy’s Kiss.” 

Old man with granddaughter look at phone together

We encourage you to reflect on your own life experiences and consider the implications of saying “yes” in various situations. 

“The yes to adventure that is within reason for an almost 75-year-old man who doesn’t want to be in a YouTube fail video. I believe that the best years of my life are ahead of me. But what could I do today that would exceed the level of adventure of all the things that I’ve done in the past?”

— Toby Younis

As we navigate the complex tapestry of human emotions and choices, let us seek understanding, empathy, and wisdom to guide our journey.

Empower Your Journey: Action Steps to Embrace, Observe, and Reflect

Ready to embark on a transformative path? Here are three actionable steps you can take this week to integrate the powerful insights discussed in this blog post and enrich your life with newfound experiences and wisdom.

Embrace the ‘Yes’ Mentality

Signing a contract and a Lego house

This week, challenge yourself to say “yes” to at least one opportunity or experience you would normally hesitate to accept. 

Whether it’s a new project at work, an invitation to an event, or an adventure you’ve been contemplating, seize the moment and open yourself up to unexpected possibilities. 

Embrace the potential for growth and learning that comes with being open to new experiences.

Hone Your Observational Skills

Woman washing a window

Incorporate a daily practice of sharpening your observational skills. 

During your routine activities, consciously observe your surroundings, paying attention to the details often overlooked. 

Challenge yourself to notice subtle changes, movements, or patterns. 

This heightened awareness will not only enhance your safety but also enrich your understanding of the world around you.

Reflect on Risks and Consequences

Man holds his fingers to his temples as he looks at a laptop screen

Set aside time this week to ponder the risks you’ve taken and the corresponding consequences in your life so far. 

Consider how these experiences have shaped you and the lessons you’ve learned from them. 

Use this reflection to guide your future decisions, evaluating potential risks more thoughtfully and being mindful of the potential outcomes.

By embracing these action steps, you can infuse your life with newfound courage, awareness, wisdom, and resilience. 

Your journey toward personal growth and empowerment begins with a single “yes,” a heightened awareness of the world around you, and an understanding of the delicate balance between risks and consequences. 

Embrace the challenge, and let it shape the chapters of your story. 

Make sure to catch the full discussion on “Exploitation, Empathy, and Betrayal” in Chapter 27 of “A Gypsy’s Kiss” on “Our Story Your Story.” 

Subscribe, like, and share to join us in this enriching literary exploration!

Crossing Boundaries, Unveiling Destiny: A Journey of Adventure and Romance

Shelley: “Do you feel like you have encountered death seven times?”

Toby: “I was counting the number of times that I came close. The first big one was when I had that motorcycle racing accident at Fort Sumner. Then there were the three events in Vietnam, and then there was the lightning strike.”

Shelley: “That’s five.”

Toby: “There was that event in Serbo Croatia during the war, but I don’t feel like that was a near-death experience. It was more of a sticky wicket.”

(Some thug holding a gun to his head to stop him from asking questions.) 

“So, I’d say 5 of the 7.”

Shelley: “Six.”

Toby: “What? Which one?”

Shelley: “The heart attack.”

Toby: “Oh, yeah.”

In this week’s episode of Our Story Your Story, titled “Unveiling Destiny & Embracing Romance,” authors and hosts, Shelley Carney and Toby Younis, delve deep into the enthralling Chapters 25 and 26 of their captivating story, “A Gypsy’s Kiss.”

Watch the video or download the podcast episode.

Miguel’s journey takes an unexpected turn as he lands in the vibrant city of New Orleans, where the spirited Mardi Gras celebrations on Bourbon Street greet him. Amidst the revelry, he encounters the enigmatic Mariah, setting the stage for a night of intrigue and deeper connection.

As the scene unfolds, Mariah reveals her intent to journey to Algiers, and Miguel, not wanting to be separated, decides to accompany her on this mysterious venture. Their path leads them to the river’s edge, prompting questions of how to cross over to the other side. A fortuitous encounter with a water taxi and its gruff captain provides the solution they seek.

Amidst the adventure and romance, the narrative offers introspective insights into destiny, independence, and the importance of reflecting on one’s purpose. Destiny intertwines with their experiences as they encounter a gypsy fortune teller, unveiling shocking revelations and prophecies of great things to come.

Shelley and Toby adeptly analyze the themes of adventure, destiny, and crossing boundaries woven into the story, exploring how the symbolic act of crossing the river represents a transition into a new destiny. 

They discuss the excitement and anticipation that come with embracing the unknown and share recent experiences that shed light on similar encounters from their own lives.

As always, “Our Story Your Story” offers a thought-provoking episode filled with adventure, romance, and profound insights into the human experience.

Exploring the Symbolism of Crossing the River

A river at sunset

The act of crossing the Mississippi River holds profound metaphorical significance in Miguel’s journey from youth to adulthood, signifying the embrace of an uncertain destiny. 

Picture the expanse of the dark, rushing river as a symbolic gateway, representing the mysteries of the future. 

“The water taxi ride and the encounter with the gypsy fortune teller highlight the crossing of physical and cultural boundaries. I thought that was a good visual representation of crossing over from childhood to manhood and crossing over from being Toby Michael to Miguel, the adventurer. He is taking that last step in the journey. You made it to Mardi Gras, but now let’s go a step further.”

— Shelley Carney

As they step onto the water taxi and embark on a new chapter of their journey, Miguel and Mariah exemplify the power of crossing boundaries and connecting with different cultures.

“Up until this point, the young man from Santa Fe, New Mexico had lived a life of relative ease in Hispanic culture. Crossing the river was the crossing into a completely new destiny.”

— Toby Younis

Miguel is acknowledging and embracing the unpredictability of adulthood, navigating its twists and turns much like maneuvering a river’s currents. 

“I think you should treat yourself every once in a while to thinking about: what is my destiny? Why am I here, and where am I going? Because it gives you the opportunity to consider the possibilities.”

— Toby Younis

Miguel’s eagerness to cross signifies a deep desire to leave behind the familiar, embracing the mysteries and adventures that lie beyond. 

Embracing Adventure and Encountering Destiny

Three people look at a map indoors and one points

A simple trip can be transformed into a grand adventure by the people we encounter along the way and the interactions that unfold. 

It’s often the unexpected conversations, chance meetings, and shared experiences with fellow travelers or locals that infuse the journey with a sense of excitement and discovery. 

“Each time Miguel stops it’s not just about a place that he’s stopping. It’s about the people that he’s meeting. The people bring out the adventure, the relationship, and the growth that’s happening. There wouldn’t be any excitement or adventure if there weren’t people involved; it would just be a trip.”

— Shelley Carney

These encounters inject spontaneity and unpredictability into the itinerary, opening doors to novel perspectives and cultural insights. 

Each chance meeting shapes the narrative of the trip and often provides the exciting details of the stories we eagerly share upon our return. 

The people we meet, and the connections we forge, transform a trip into an adventure that lingers in our hearts and memories.

We enter the tent. Candles light the space all around. Inside, there is a round table with two chairs. A frail, grandmotherly-looking woman with a red silk scarf tied around her head and a white, billowy blouse that covers her arms all the way down to her wrists where her tiny hands poke out, sits in one of the chairs.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 26

Recognizing the significance of embracing adventures and the encounters that come with them is a fundamental aspect of shaping our destinies. 

“I’ve been looking at my own journey thinking about how this has been a hard year. A lot of times I’ve said, I just want it to be over. I just want to move on. But, there’s learning and growth in every experience. I shouldn’t wish for it to be over so quickly and miss out on the opportunity to learn something or to grow from it because I probably need that growth and learning for the days ahead.”

— Shelley Carney

Every adventure, every unexpected meeting, carries the potential to shape our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. 

Miguel’s encounter with Mariah stands as a perfect illustration of this principle. 

Their chance meeting amid the vibrant atmosphere of Mardi Gras marked a turning point, sparking a transformative journey. 

It served as the catalyst for an unforgettable experience, one that challenged Miguel’s perspective, broadened his horizons, and ultimately left an indelible mark on his destiny. 

“I always wondered, what did she think about our adventure? We never got to have the conversation afterward. It was two young people trying to be a little bit more adult than their age. A lot happened that night that most youthful people in that age group will never experience.”

— Toby Younis

Their shared adventure vividly showcased the beauty of unexpected connections and the substantial impact they can have in molding the trajectory of our lives.

Destiny Unveiled: Insights from the Gypsy Fortune Teller

Fortune Teller sign an tent

The allure of learning our destiny lies in the prospect of gaining insights that can guide our planning and decision-making. 

Knowing what destiny holds can empower us with a foresight that helps shape our paths more deliberately. 

It’s like having a map for an uncharted journey, providing a sense of direction and pointing out potential roadblocks. 

Armed with this knowledge, we can strategize, make informed choices, and align our actions with our intended destiny. 

It helps us anticipate challenges, seize opportunities, and navigate the twists and turns of life with a sense of purpose. 

However, it’s essential to remember that destiny is not fixed, but a blend of choice and chance. 

“I feel like I have a destiny, and I think everyone should feel like they have destinies. Fate will help you get there, but it’s not going to help you if you don’t envision your destiny, where you’re going, and what you’re going to accomplish with the remainder of your life.”

— Toby Younis

It’s the dynamic interplay between our actions and the unknown that ultimately forges our unique journey.

The revelations that the gypsy fortune teller unveiled held an enigmatic allure, leaving Miguel in deep contemplation. 

She tells Mariah that I have a “curious mind” and “big heart,” and that my destiny is for great things.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 26

The promise of adventure breathed excitement into his veins, igniting the desire for the thrilling and the unknown. 

Moreover, the acknowledgment of having a big heart hinted at the journey of self-discovery that lay ahead. 

It echoed the importance of compassion, empathy, and embracing life with an open heart. 

I nod, accepting the thanks and hoping some of what she predicted for me comes true. Especially the adventure part of it. But, definitely not the “Death will come for you seven times” part.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 26

Intriguingly, the prophecy regarding facing death seven times before the final encounter on the eighth meeting added a layer of mystique to Miguel’s destiny. It made him ponder the twists and turns that fate had in store, urging him to question the purpose of his life and the courage it would take to face the looming challenges. 

“I kept trying to keep the promise of what the gypsy had said, which is you’re going to lead a life full of romance and adventure. When you’re told that, you don’t think of it as like, well, okay. That’s good. I hope it happens. You work to make it happen.”

— Toby Younis

The gypsy’s words lingered, prompting Miguel to navigate his path with a newfound awareness of the adventure that awaited and the resilience required to confront the mysteries of his destiny.

The Power of Connection and Shared Experiences

Dr. Brian Foster, Jens Esser, Masuda Esser, Janet Bridgers, Shelley Carney, Toby Younis at Surfside restaurant

The encounters with the people we meet during our journeys can effortlessly transform a simple expedition into an exhilarating adventure. 

Each interaction holds the potential to shape our perspective, challenge our assumptions, and broaden our horizons. 

We discover the power of forging connections with those who share common goals or possess diverse insights. 

These connections often lead to lasting friendships, acting as guiding stars on our very own hero’s journey. 

“Brian did provide a lot of information about the birds, but then later when I was talking to him, I found that I had so much in common with him. That enhanced my whole trip, my whole experience.”

— Shelley Carney

These newfound companions impart wisdom, lend support during challenging times, and inspire us to venture further, encouraging growth and nurturing a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. 

The impact of these connections reverberates long after the journey ends, reminding us of the transformative potential of human bonds in our ongoing quest for self-discovery and adventure.

“It wouldn’t be a hero’s journey if it was all by the hero’s self. If it was a hero having an adventure without anyone else supporting him, fighting him, arguing with him, or giving him advice, it’s not a hero’s journey.”

— Toby Younis

As Miguel achieves his original goal of reaching New Orleans in time for Mardi Gras, and then continues onward, we encounter the archetypal roles that shape every hero’s journey. 

This reminds us that no adventure is complete without the presence of mentors, allies, and antagonists.

Embracing Mysticism and Cultural Roots

Tarot cards and candles

A religious upbringing often acts as a catalyst for curiosity about mysticism and cultural elements. 

These inquiries may spark an interest in the unseen and the mystical experiences tied to faith. 

Moreover, exposure to various religious and cultural practices cultivates an appreciation for the diversity of human beliefs and rituals. 

The desire to understand and connect with these diverse cultural elements arises from an inherent curiosity, instilled during one’s religious upbringing, fostering an open-minded approach to spirituality and a broader understanding of the world’s intricate and interwoven beliefs.

On the doorway of the tent hangs a sign. In a very elegant, mysterious calligraphic font it reads, “Gypsy Queen – Fortune Teller.” I know what to expect because my mother is a “fortune teller” of sorts. Her friends sometimes come over in the evening to drink wine and my mother will read the Tarot cards for them. They often try to give her money, but she never accepts it, explaining that it would be “wrong” to do so.

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 26

The association of tarot with Catholicism holds a unique and intriguing connection, especially for someone like Miguel, who was raised in the Catholic faith by a mother who read tarot cards as an extension of her beliefs. 

Although on the surface tarot might seem unrelated to Catholicism, there are underlying ties. 

“Tarot can be interpreted from a very religious perspective. It can be viewed as spiritual. It always was when she presented it. It was always religious in the sense that she would say, ‘Here’s this card and it represents this. So, you’re going to have to pray.’ To me, growing up and watching, it never struck me as exclusive of religion, of Catholicism. It always seemed to be tied into it somehow.”

— Toby Younis

Tarot, often considered a mystical practice, delves into the realm of symbolism, archetypes, and exploring the unknown—elements that resonate with aspects of Catholic teachings, rituals, and the symbolic nature of religious practices. 

For Miguel, witnessing his mother intertwine these practices could have created a sense of harmonious coexistence between the mystical and the spiritual. 

It may have allowed him to perceive tarot and fortune telling not as contradictory but as a different lens through which one can approach faith, fostering a broader understanding of spirituality and the significance of symbolism in guiding one’s path. 

Unexpected Turns and Embracing Romance

A young couple about to kiss

Events like Mardi Gras and carnivals possess an enchanting quality, often leading to unexpected and romantic moments that bring young people together. 

The lively ambiance, vibrant colors, and carefree atmosphere act as a catalyst, fostering connections and sparking the magic of youth. 

Amidst the festivities, Mariah’s and Miguel’s encounter, filled with spontaneity and youthful energy, stands as a prime example. 

The unexpected passionate kiss from Mariah electrifies the air, leaving Miguel in a whirlwind of emotions and contemplation. 

We take a few steps and stop between tents in the semi-darkness. Mariah turns to me, grabs me by the collar, and gives me the second, but much more delightful, French kiss of my night. This kiss is longer, more passionate, more gratefully received and reciprocated. When she lets go, without breaking eye contact, I reach to take her hand, brush a kiss across her fingers, and gently ask, “What was all that about?”

A Gypsy’s Kiss: A Treasure Hunt Adventure, Chapter 26

It is a moment that transcends the ordinary, making him question the mysteries and possibilities that lie ahead in the labyrinth of life and love. 

This unexpected gesture acts as a catalyst, propelling the story forward and setting the stage for the adventures and complexities that await the young travelers on their journey.

A Journey’s Reflection: Embracing Destiny and Lifelong Bonds

Couple stand together by a lake

In this compelling episode of “Our Story Your Story,” the key themes of embracing adventure, uncovering destiny, and the significance of connections and shared experiences are masterfully woven into the narrative. 

The story revolves around Miguel’s journey, representing the universal adventure of life itself. 

Through encounters and unexpected events, the theme of embracing adventure shines bright. 

Miguel’s readiness to cross the river and explore the unknown mirrors the innate human desire to step into the unpredictable, signifying the courage required to embrace life’s adventures. 

Simultaneously, the theme of uncovering destiny is intricately explored through the enigmatic prophecies of the Gypsy Fortune Teller. 

Miguel grapples with the revelation of facing death seven times, prompting introspection on destiny, purpose, and the role of choice in shaping one’s fate. 

Additionally, the narrative emphasizes the profound theme of the significance of connections and shared experiences. 

The encounters Miguel has, especially with Mariah, showcase the power of human bonds in transforming a journey into an unforgettable adventure. 

It underscores the idea that our connections, interactions, and shared moments with others are an essential part of understanding our own unique hero’s journey in this vast and mysterious world.

Embrace the Adventure Within: A Call to Action

As you soak in the tale of Miguel’s journey and the intricate themes discussed, take a moment to reflect on your path. 

Embrace the unknown with an open heart and a curious mind. 

Let the echoes of adventure and destiny resonate within you. 

Here are three actionable steps you can take this week to infuse these ideas into your journey:

Step into Uncharted Territory 

Man outdoors looks at a lake

Challenge yourself to explore something new this week.

It could be a hobby, a book, a recipe, or even a different route during your walk. 

Embrace the uncertainty and relish the adventure that comes with trying something unfamiliar.

Connect and Share Experiences

Two people enjoy coffee from a thermos outdoors on cold day

Reach out to a friend or family member and reminisce about a memorable experience you’ve shared. 

Exchange stories and find joy in the connections that shaped those moments. 

This act of shared reflection deepens bonds and allows you to appreciate the power of connections in your journey.

Contemplate Your Destiny 

Woman thinks about what to write in journal

Set aside some quiet time to reflect on your life’s journey. 

Ponder your goals, aspirations, and the twists and turns that have shaped your story so far. 

Consider writing down your thoughts or creating a vision board to visually represent your path ahead.

Embrace the adventure that life unfolds, uncover the layers of your destiny, and treasure the connections and experiences that mold your unique journey. 

In the tapestry of life, every thread holds a story, and it’s up to us to weave it with courage, wisdom, and an open heart. 

Tune in to this episode of Our Story Your Story, where adventure and romance await, accompanied by insightful discussions that inspire and resonate. 

Join us in embracing the journey of life, one story at a time.